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2018/10/22 19:27:29瀏覽464|回應2|推薦7

Last evening my wife and I took advantage of good weather to have a walk in Dahu Park.  When we finished walking and just doubled back home, I saw a middle-aged woman A coming from opposite direction and throwing a pack of trash onto the grassland of the park.  Before I could react to her bad behavior, another middle-aged woman B came from behind and told woman A to pick up the trash.  Then I saw two women quarreled with each other over why and why "not" that trash should be picked up.  Woman B insisted on that was concerning a public virtue, while woman A argued speciously like a vixen, so unreasonable and illogical that I could hardly understand what she was talking about.  At last they agreed to let police judge.  There two women went to a police station just around the corner.  I intended to testify to the "incident", but my wife stopped me from being so meddlesome.

That woman B is a righteous lady indeed.  I thought why that Woman A refused to admit such a peccadillo was partly due to a human weakness: reluctant to lose face.  Ironically, she had the face to do an uncivilized thing as throwing trash anywhere in a relatively clean and civilized city of Taipei.

I felt bad at the moment, and I felt even worse when I got home to learn the news of that tragic railway accident.      

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2018/10/23 17:28
剛剛發現回應中的 typo 不是「最壞」,是「最後」。
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-10-23 22:24 回覆:
Thanks a lot!

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2018/10/23 16:39
沒看到,我只能臆測推論。我懷疑現代人不乏有病的人,either physical or mental,或只是格主說的面子問題。遇到不理性的人,說理說不通的。有時候,理性的人只能吆喝一聲有警告作用,最壞自己示範,也會有影響的效果。
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-10-23 17:23 回覆:
無以名之, 那個A女真是有病.