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2018/01/25 15:46:00瀏覽333|回應1|推薦4

Wonky Cai uttered a newly-coined term, Taiwans Own Value, in an interview to replace the statement of "people in both sides of the strait are relatives of close affinity".  Apparently, the vague expression  is another euphemism for Taidu, just like "democracy" in the past.  Why not "democracy" any longer?  Because she and DPP had already fully utilized it to gain the office, and now they trampled down the true democracy by going to extremes in every measure in Taiwan, so they are ashamed of mentioning it any more.

To safeguard the "Value" (of Taidu), Cai shouted she, as the president, must have dogged determination in the first place, and her administration have to be capable of defending the stress from Chinas Mainland, and last she resorted to the solidarity of all people in Taiwan with her. 

From the interview we can say the so-called anti-stress and solidarity are nothing but shits.  The only thing that islanders must give heed to is her "determination".  That means she has closed the door of a peaceful talk between the strait.  Dear islanders, the only way left for you is preparing yourselves for Mainlands Wutong. (But she still believes China wont be so irrational that to break the "regional" peace.)  Good luck, guys, and you know what to do now.   


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2018/01/27 13:31
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-01-28 17:52 回覆:
Yeah. The things she is doing now, under the name of Taiwan Value, are all against democracy.