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H-6 Bombers? You've got used to them.
2017/07/27 15:32:46瀏覽392|回應2|推薦3

China's sophisticated H-6 bombers cruised around her island of Taiwan three times in last two weeks.  A TV weatherman (an ex general?) lamented that "the games, a war of attrition, will exhaust Taiwan to death."  Why did a weatherman make a comment like that?  I guess from now on this kind of China's quasi-manoeuvres may become so often that Taiwan should treat them just as normal weather forecast. 

PLA's action seemed to be a remarkable coincidence with the DPP's statements of welcome and thanks to US senate's suggestion not long ago that allow US battle ships anchor in the harbors of Taiwan.  Therefore, I think H-6's round-the-island cruises can be deemed as a warning to US and Cai regime.  Well, there is nothing wrong with PLA's action, for they are guarding their own land, as well as protecting people of Taiwan. 

FYI, a much more powerful and streamlined H-20 will be coming soon. 



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Yes, but let's face it.
2017/07/28 21:48



這像個正在復興或復興中的大國嗎?哪像個獨立自主的泱泱大國? 不提英、法、德、日,就連韓、朝都比不上。


以上主要摘自 清醒看待GDP世界第二 。Please pay attention to my comments about 趙匡胤.    

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-07-29 03:01 回覆:
I admit the solid foundation built up in Mao's era had paved the way for later "Open and Reform". Any capable successor will just do it well. But too much utilitarianism empahasized in Deng's period brough up squander and depravity. I really hate that! You know, in 2014 I visit Chongqing with my wife and her brother, we had a feast with my wife's kins, during which a younger relative, a traffic police officer, boasted how much "fringe benefit" he had received in executing his "duties". I felt very sick about his words and the general mindset then in Mainland, and I didn't have any mood and appetite to enjoy a spread of food on table. Fortunately, President Xi did a lot of efforts on cracking down corruption. I heard of a would-be heir apparent to next premier was stepped down for some reason(I don't know the details).

Anyway, "civil officials not fond of money; generals not afraid of death" is the best axiom for a really strong China.

H-6 or 轟6
2017/07/28 13:18

H-6 or 轟6 is nothing fancy.  1959年就立項研製,1966年首飛,1968年服役。再怎麼改進、改良,現在也只能到關島去轉一圈。別忘了,美國到南海的轟炸機是直接從美國本土飛過來的。




Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-07-28 13:41 回覆:
I agree Deng's "open and reform" did bring China some adverse repercussions, but was he devoid of any merit at all?