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2017/05/21 13:21:03瀏覽368|回應2|推薦5

Yesterday I talked about whoever was selected as the new chairman or chairwoman of KMT, the "group" will either perish or will be a variation on its essence of being a nationalistist party. 

Now Wu is selected.  He is nothing but a glib politician with some machination in election.  Well, I listened to his speech once in New York back in 90's, and I still remember he described the cross-strait relationship as a poor guy desparately wooing a pretty, rich girl.  What's the hell!  Does he have any notion that he should have as being a Chinese?  Mr. Xi, I know you've already sent your compliments to Wu, but please keep in your mind: that guy is a genuine Dutai, just see what he did, not what he said. 

I don't have any mood to further talk about that lousy KMT; please listen to someone else's: 寒竹:从5·20选举看国民党在台湾的困境, at http://www.guancha.cn/HanZhu/2017_05_20_409267.shtml

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A History Major
2017/05/22 06:49
Wu's majoring in history certainly haven't helped.  A poor fellow who does not learn from the history.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-05-22 12:53 回覆:
I knew this guy in school. But he didn't impress me much except his relatively tall figure and the navy-cut hair.

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/05/21 21:37



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-05-22 12:57 回覆:
In mid 90's he was 傲慢對待, but now he has to be 含羞帶卻.