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"Leave your shoes on"
2017/05/17 06:58:58瀏覽432|回應1|推薦5

At security check point of almost all airports, passengers will be requested to take off their shoes, jackets, and sometimes feather belts.  This time when we came back from Indianapolis to San Jose, I saw the passengers were receiving the same old "treatment" when I was queueing up for the check.  But as the officer checked my I.D. and boarding pass as well as my wife's by sensor, he gave each one of us a soft plastic signboard with the words "Leave your shoes on".  My wife asked me what it is for, I said I don't know but we don't have to take off our shoes.

After our bodies and luggage having been X-rayed, a lady officer took the signboards back with a friendly smile.  Her smile cast light on the reason why we didn't have to take off our shoes like other passenger did.  My wife and I are 70 now!

But why do septuagenarians have the priviledge not having to take off their shoes during inspection?  Because they are too old to be a highjacker, or because they are too old to bend over to take their shoes off and then bend over again to put them on amid chaotic situation like in security check?  I don't know, but it is good to be treated that way.  Suddenly, it makes me think of my previous writing 試譯 "活到老真好" part one, part two at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/20828426 and http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/20957264.   

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/05/17 08:11
我車子被一個 20 歲 的中國人男孩碰到之後,他帶我去他認識的中國人修車廠。幾個年輕人有禮貌的對我阿姨長,阿姨短,這個稱呼在海外特別讓人覺得很親切。
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-05-17 09:56 回覆:
Yes, indeed. The salutation like 阿姨, 老伯 sounds more cordial than that ma'am or sir in English. So the different salutation signifies Chinese culture of human relationship is quite different from that of western world.