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2017/05/01 16:22:38瀏覽273|回應1|推薦3

Now it's May, but Cai administration hasn't yet received the invitation of this year from WHA , which will be held around the end of the month.  Are Cai administration getting fidgety about the situation?  I don't think so because she's already known the fact that as long as she doesn't recognize One China principle, Taiwan will never be allowed to go anywhere in this "international" society.  She just wants to take this opportunity to stir up the anti-China sentiments from the islanders.  If she does care about public health, she won't try that hard to give permission to those nuclear-contaminated food from Japan.  What an act of effrontery she is playing!

The funniest thing is that minister of health announced the other day that he will "loiter" at the door of the assembly if Taiwan doesn't get the invitation.  Are you a politcal beggar doing such a clownish thing?  What a cheek! 

If Taiwan wants to be a beggar, that's okay, but please remember "beggars can't be choosers".         

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/05/01 19:36
台獨份子沒有建國的本事,所有的招就是“異議分子”的招數 - 也難怪,大概都是受教于六四的那些逃亡者。
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-05-02 13:14 回覆:
Yes, just like those clowns: 王丹, 曹長青, and so on. Exile will be the best final destiny.