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Reveal the marriage customs of the aquatic girls marry out
2018/12/12 14:22:48瀏覽6|回應0|推薦0

According to the customs of the aquatic animals, couples cannot share a room on the wedding night. The bride is accompanied by the maid of honor and sleeps. After the wedding, the groom goes to invite the bride back, and the real life of the couple begins. Some brides come home for a month or two at the first time, calling it "sitting at home", which is actually a remnant of the marriage custom of "never leaving the husband's house". On the way out of the bride's marriage, the most taboo thunder and change the sky, so the wedding period is held in autumn and winter.

Aquatic marriage custom: wedding process

A date

Young men and women of the aquatic species should ask Mr. Yin and Yang to choose the auspicious date, and then the man should send a rich betrothal gift to the woman's family. Choose a lucky day in the betrothal gift, and then the man should send a rich betrothal gift to the wife's family.

A dowry

In addition to cash, there are generally pork, brown sugar, collar, clothes, jewelry and so on. The woman buys the dowry according to her family's financial situation. The dowry included glutinous rice, live pigs, cloth pieces, clothes, cabinets, bicycles, television sets and so on. Within a day or two before marriage, there will be a drinking ceremony. The marriage relationship between a young man and a woman shall be officially established.

Wedding party

Wedding day, the man family festivities, guests was packed, suona playing and scene is very lively, the groom surrounded by a dozen friends with gifts and suona, beaming to escort her home. In some places, the groom does not go to greet the bride, but asks an unmarried woman and 7-9 young men to do so. After the wedding party arrives at the village, they must hand out gifts to them before they can reach the bride's home. When they arrived at the bride's house, the young men would sing to the girls to express their wishes to the bride and groom. Then, the people who welcomed the bride were warmly received by the wife's family. During the dinner, the groom had to eat the sister chicken brought by the groom, and the groom had to pay for the kitchen. The woman's family was permeated with a warm and happy atmosphere.

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On the same day or the next day (if the road is far away), the wedding party will greet the bride and leave her home. The bride was dressed decently and beautifully. The bride was dressed decently and beautifully. Long hair sprawled wan on the top of the head, above the earth is full of honeysuckle and silver, in mandarin, silver clasp, green purple jacket wide sleeves, tied with a purple pleated apron, under wearing trousers, neck wearing a variety of shiny silver collar, XiongPei dragon playing silver beads, a happily married couple of coping, wearing a three or four pairs of silver bracelet, foot wear pointed hook golden flower shoes. The bride, accompanied by her mother and the matchmaker, knelt down to worship her ancestors, and then said goodbye to her parents, relatives and the people who saw her off. At this time, parents and relatives have to kowtow to the bride money, relatives have to give the bride away from home money. The bride and groom also use more than a zhang long red cloth or silk wrapped around their hands, and tied to the waist of the bride and groom, commonly known as "hung red", to symbolize good luck and peace. When the bride goes out, she will cry and sing (the song of marriage). Meanwhile, she will hold her parasol and be supported by her elder brother.

To groom's home, the first for the bride and knead xi tun xi god lock, and then put a saddle on the threshold, let the bride across from above in the past, and please YiLao years women the bamboo shoots a beam, that refers to sweep the bride in a show of exorcism. When the bride enters the groom's home, she first presents the groom and his family with hand-sewn cloth shoes.

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