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GROUND(ZER)0, 2018 autumn/winter series.
2018/04/08 11:26:43瀏覽11|回應0|推薦0

GROUND(ZER)0, 2018 autumn/winter series.

Every time we meet these moments, they show us how strange life is in the 21st century. People can not help but ask: for such a moment, am I passive or active lead? GROUND (ZER)0 aw18-19 series to solve this problem, based on the postmodern concept of efforts to build, original to their own style. People have long sought to define, classify, document and understand the concepts of fashion. The conclusion is that there is no limit to fashion, and the world of fashion is vast: there is little difference between what can be and what is not. From the past fashion design to the classic reappearance of the future, everything is constantly subverted and subverted: only by constantly subverting can people remember deeply. We are about to meet now.

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