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美國對抗中國策略在於長期競爭China’s Grand Strategy Long-Term Competition
2020/08/08 14:54:04瀏覽520|回應5|推薦5

Strategic Rivalry between United States and China - SWP


Trajectories, and Long-Term Competition.


To explore what extended competition between the United States and China might entail out to 2050, the authors of this report identified and characterized China’s grand strategy, analyzed its component national strategies (diplomacy, economics, science and technology, and military affairs), and assessed how successful China might be at implementing these

over the next three decades.


• How successful might China be at implementing its grand strategy goals by 2050? These goals are based on national-level strategies in the areas of diplomacy, economics, science and technology, and military affairs. • What will U.S.-China relations look like by 2050?


Any one of the four scenarios analyzed—triumphant China, ascendant China, stagnant China, or imploding China—is possible three decades hence • A triumphant China is least likely because such an outcome presumes little margin for error and the absence of any major crisis or serious setback between now and 2050.


• An imploding China is not likely because, to date, Chinese leaders have proved skilled at organizing and planning, adept at surmounting crises, and deft at adapting and adjusting to changing conditions.

• By 2050, China most likely will have experienced some mixture of successes and failures, and the most plausible scenarios would be an ascendant China or a stagnant China. In the former scenario, China will be largely successful in achieving its long-term goals, while, in the latter scenario, China will confront major challenges and will be mostly unsuccessful in implementing its grand strategy. These four scenarios could produce any one of three potential trajectories in U.S.-China relations: parallel partners, colliding competitors, or diverging directions

• The parallel partners trajectory is a continuation of the state of U.S.-China relations in 2018. This trajectory is most likely to occur with a stagnant China and probably an ascending China.

• The colliding competitors trajectory is most likely to manifest in a triumphant China scenario in which Beijing becomes more confident and assertive.

• The diverging directions trajectory is most likely to occur in an imploding China scenario because Beijing will be preoccupied with mounting domestic problems.


The likely scenarios call for greater attention to improving joint force capabilities and preparing to operate with much longer logistics tails. For the U.S. Army, this means efforts to optimize key units and capabilities for available airlift and sealift to get soldiers to the fight quickly or to a hot spot before the fight breaks out. •

 Because China probably will be able to contest all domains of conflict across the broad swath of the region by the mid-2030s, the U.S. Army, as part of the joint force, will need to be able to respond immediately to crises or contingencies at various points of contention. To be inside the wire at the outset of a crisis or conflict will require a combination of forward-based forces, light and mobile expeditionary forces, and interoperable allied forces. •

The U.S. Army and allied forces must also develop and train on concepts to reinforce conventional extended deterrence and keep competition from becoming conflict. •


 The ability of highly capable, responsive, and resilient maritime and air forces to quickly and effectively suppress China’s burgeoning reconnaissance-strike system, along with specific special operations and Army capabilities, will largely determine the extent to which China’s leadership remains risk averse when considering military options to resolve regional disputes.







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China’s Grand Strategy Trends,

Trajectories, and Long-Term Competition.






20200724日,美國智庫蘭德公司發佈了一份題為《中國大戰略:趨勢、軌跡與長期競爭》的報告(Chinas Grand Strategy: Trends, Trajectories, and Long-Term Competition)。蘭德方面則圍繞著




(triumphant, ascendant, stagnant, and imploding)


(neither preordained nor completely beyond Americas influence)


3、美國陸軍和盟軍還必須重視觀念的培養與訓練,以加強常規的擴大威懾能力,並防止競爭升級為衝突。 這份報告得到美國軍方的資助,“旨在幫助美國軍方瞭解未來35年中美相對軍事力量的變化。” 為了探討2050年美國和中國之間會出現何種程度的競爭,本報告的作者確認並闡述了“中國的大戰略”,分析其國家戰略的組成部分


研究問題: 12050年,中國在多大程度上會實現其大戰略目標的成功?



B. Key Findings 關鍵結論: 


1)主宰世界的中國(A Triumphant China)極不可能出現,因為這樣的結果建立在對誤差很小的假定上,並認為從現在到2050年沒有任何重大危機或挫折出現。

2)內部崩潰的中國(An Imploding China)不太可能,因為迄今為止,中國的領袖們已被證明能夠熟練地進行組織和計畫,善於克服危機,並精於適應不斷變化的外部環境且作出調整。

3)到2050年,中國極有可能經歷了成功與失敗,最可能的情況是出現一個上升發展的中國或陷入停滯的中國(An Ascendant China or a Stagnant China)。在前一種情況下,中國將在實現其長期目標方面取得成功;而在後一種情況下,中國將面臨重大挑戰,並且在實施大戰略方面大多面臨失敗。


(1)平行合作夥伴(The Parallel Partners)是2018年中美關係的延續。這種軌跡最有可能發生在停滯的中國與上升的中國。

2)激烈競爭的對手(Colliding competitors)最有可能在中國取得主宰性勝利的情境中表現出來,這北京變得更加自信和強勢。

3)分道揚鑣的路線(The Diverging Direction)在中國處於崩潰的情況下最有可能出現,因為北京將專注於解決日益嚴重的國內問題。


The four scenarios of what China might look like by 2050 are x China’s Grand Strategy: Trends, Trajectories, and Long-Term Competition

1. triumphant China, in which Beijing is remarkably successful in realizing its grand strategy

2. ascendant China, in which Beijing is successful in achieving many, but not all,of the goals of its grand strategy

3. stagnant China, in which Beijing has failed to achieve its long-term goals

4. imploding China, in which Beijing is besieged by a multitude of problems that threaten the xistence of the communist regime.

Four elements are analyzed for each scenario:

the overall forecast for China’s development and ability to achieve its goals

the specific domestic and foreign conditions required for the scenario to occur

the outcome of the scenario in terms of China’s influence in the world

the scenario’s consequences for the United States.








This report documents research and analysis conducted as part of a project entitled U.S.-China Long-Term Competition sponsored by the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7,U.S. Army. The purpose of the project was to help the U.S. Army understand the shifting relative capabilities of the U.S. and Chinese militaries over the next 35 years. Thisreport should be of interest to anyone in the national security community, especially planners and strategists.


This research was conducted within RAND Arroyo Center’s Strategy, Doctrine,
and Resources Program. RAND Arroyo Center, part of the RAND Corporation, is a
federally funded research and development center (FFRDC) sponsored by the United
States Army.


The views of sources utilized in this study are solely their own and do not represent the official policy or position of DoD or the U.S. Government.












7:美國不斷的叫囂中國南海是國際公海,中國沒有主權管理控制南海, 21世紀美國重返亞太戰略,就是圍堵中國,扼阻中國的強勢崛起,20個年頭轉眼即過,猶如往日不堪回首,中國海軍日夜不停的建造驅逐艦,航空母艦及核子潛艦,試圖突破美國第一島鏈與第二島鏈的封鎖,隨者中國強勢DF-21/D.DF-26.導向飛彈的佈署,瞬間將其突破,因為中國的導向飛彈,可以完全封鎖甚至於擊潰,美國第一島鏈的琉球群島軍事基地與第二島鏈的關島軍事基地,逼使美國更改”亞太計劃”為”印太計劃”,重新戰略佈署,以因應中國的挑戰與威脅,尤其甚者使得美國航空母艦不敢輕易停泊於球群島軍事基地與關島軍事基地,因為害怕被中國DF-21/D.DF-26.導向飛彈的鎖定,而不得不像似遊魂般似的,整日在西太平洋的海域裡閒逛,更進一步隔3差5的,到中國南海溜踏,以避開被擊沈的風險.?事實上中國DF-21/D.DF-26.導向飛彈早已配合北斗衛星的精確定位系統,可以鎖定漂移的美國航空母艦與其他軍艦,加以擊沈,但是美軍的回應竟然是,你們(指責中國)逆向操作違反戰爭原則.

8: 由此觀之美國從前主張的,”中國崩潰論”改弦易轍成為,”中國威脅論”, 時至今日,美國加速與中國冷戰,然而西方國家的國際戰略專家分析認為是美國設局誘導中國與美國,”冷戰”,美國食髓知味,舊技重施,想以整垮蘇聯的模式,套牢中國,整垮中國,繼續維持世界霸主的地位,看起來美國的如法炮製的如意算盤無法實現,美國從經濟戰,貿易戰,貨幣戰,關稅戰甚至於使用生物科技戰(新冠病毒COVID-19.)中國已經成功研發抗體疫苗,給予病患及軍隊優先使用,美國皆無法撼動中國,戰勝中國,如此一來,僅剩下來國防軍事,因此美國瘋狂似的在中國南海,舉行雙航空母艦戰鬥群的實兵實彈的軍事演習,企圖製造出擦槍走火事件,好與中國開戰攻擊中國.

9: 202007-8.中國南海戰雲密佈,隨時暴發美國攻擊中國的戰爭,美國透露出的訊息明確的顯示出,作戰的熱區與島嶼位置,以對抗中國海軍的返擊.根據國際軍事戰略家分析認為,美國總統川普為了選舉連任,不擇手段,在國內他建議延後總統選舉,理由是新冠病毒COVID-19.尚未解決,影響到選舉結果,在海外集結重兵於中國南海,肆機攻擊中國,轉移國內的經濟,財政壓力及黑白種族衝突失業等,社會內政問題.由此觀之美國攻擊中國已經是箭在弦上不得不發?如果美國在中國南海率先攻擊中國,那樣一來美軍的雙航空母艦,很容易被中國的DF-21/D.DF-26.DF-17.導向飛彈擊沈.大約12000名左右的美軍,包括飛機都要陪葬.



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China and the United States will likely be in competition with each other for many years to come. Indeed, the two countries seem destined to be locked into long-term competition because neither is likely to withdraw from world affairs in the foreseeable future. In addition, each country perceives the other country as a significant rival,is deeply suspicious of the actions and intentions of the other country, and is highly competitive.

To explore what extended competition between the United States and China might entail through the year 2050, this report focuses on identifying and characterizing China’s grand strategy, analyzing its component national strategies (diplomacy, economics, science and technology [S&T], and military affairs), and assessing how successful China might be at implementing these over the next three  Decades.  

Foundational prerequisites for successful implementation of China’s grand strategy are deft routine management of the political system and effective maintenance of social stability.

China’s grand strategy is best labeled “national rejuvenation,” and its central goals are to produce a China that is well governed, socially stable, economically prosperous, technologically advanced, and militarily powerful by 2050. China’s Communist Party rulers are pursuing a set of extremely ambitious long-term national strategies in pursuit of the overarching goals of their grand strategy.

Two fundamental questions are at the heart of this report:

(1) What will China look like by 2050?

(2) What will U.S.-China relations look like by 2050?

The answers are provided by analyzing trends in the management of politics and society and studying national-level strategies in diplomacy, economics, S&T, and military affairs.Using these analyses, the report develops a range of possible future scenarios for mid-21st-century China and then generates an accompanying set of potential future trajectories for U.S.-China long-term competition.

 Force posture and force development issues are of paramount importance in maintaining
advantage in the military competition with China. Because China probably will be able to contest all domains of conflict across the broad swath of the region by the mid-2030s, the U.S. Army as part of the joint force will need to be able to respond immediately to crises or contingencies at various points of contention. To be “inside the wire” at the outset of a crisis or conflict will require a combination of forwardbased forces, light and mobile expeditionary forces, and interoperable allied forces.
Based on the characteristics of China’s force restructuring effort and the challenges

posed by PLA modernization, priority capabilities that these forces must together bring
to a regional contingency include
• mobile, integrated air defenses
• cross-domain fire support capabilities, including consideration of future U.S.
Army long-range, precision land-based fires; extended-range Multiple Launch
Rocket Systems; extended-range tactical missile system, and enhanced artillerydeployed
• key enablers employed for independent operations, to include cyber and network
attack capabilities, counter–unmanned aircraft systems (counter-UAS) and
short-range air defense integrated and networked with operational level systems,
unmanned aerial surveillance and attack systems, and electronic warfare capabilities
• light, highly mobile early warning systems to detect enemy UAS, missiles, and
long-range artillery fires
• chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defense reconnaissance, protection
and decontamination capabilities
• expeditionary logistics, to include clandestine pre-positioning in theater.


With these and other capabilities in hand, the U.S. Army and allied forces must
also develop and train on concepts to reinforce conventional extended deterrence and
keep competition from becoming conflict. Recommendations for concepts and activities
include the following:
• Take a page from China’s own playbook and examine the marriage of electronic
warfare systems and capabilities with cyber or network attack operations.
• Increase the frequency of short-notice bilateral and multilateral training exercises
with regional allies and partners to rapidly deploy forces to new, austere, dispersed
locations near regional hot spots.
• Demonstrate improved capabilities and new concepts for Army contributions to
sea denial and control operations.
• Demonstrate capabilities and new concepts of operation to provide flexible communications
and intelligence to widely dispersed forces in the Indo-Pacific.
• Develop and demonstrate the capability to conduct forcible entry operations with
smaller, more-lethal units.
• Incorporate artificial intelligence into C4ISR architecture at all levels.

Because China is the United States’ most prominent long-term competitor, it
is essential to understand how China’s military strategy and restructuring efforts are
integrated into the PRC’s overall approach to building comprehensive national power.
China’s current perspective on its relationship with the United States is centered on
competition that encompasses a wide range of issues, not simply geopolitical influence.
The concept of comprehensive national power embodies these concepts, where China
compares its power relative to its main competitors. It encompasses internal stability,
economics, military power, S&T, and cultural security, among many other fields.
Perhaps as important as developing and deploying concepts and capabilities discussed
briefly here is that applying a framework like the one used in this study can help to
illuminate China’s concerns about its relative weakness in key areas. This, in turn, may
provide U.S. policymakers with a more robust understanding of potential opportunities
as they arise.




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red square 123
2020/08/12 09:14
The focal points for China’s competition management fall primarily into two broad ategories: (1) managing relations with the United States and (2) securing dominance
in the Asia-Pacific region. China also competes for influence on the global stage to secure overseas economic interests and to lay the foundation for future global leadership roles, but for the next two to three decades, U.S. and regional relations are at the forefront. With the United States, China seeks to manage the relationship, gain competitive advantage, and resolve threats emanating from that competition without derailing other strategic objectives (particularly those in the economic realm). In the Asia-Pacific region, China seeks greater control over regional trends and developments and control over changes to the regional status quo in ways favorable to China without exacerbating perceptions of a “China threat.
red square 123(dff1baf6) 於 2020-08-12 09:15 回覆:
For the U.S.Army, this means efforts to optimize specific, key units and capabilities for available airlift and sealift to get soldiers to the fight or to a hot spot swiftly before the fight breaks out. Given the explicit priorities of U.S. defense strategy, increased funding to
support competitive advantage in the Indo-Pacific is expected and needed. Because the
Pacific theater likely will remain for the foreseeable future primarily focused on contested
maritime and air domains, however, the U.S. Army must prioritize capabilities evelopment in keeping with larger joint force objectives.

red square 123
2020/08/12 09:06
The first step of this plan is the establishment of a variety of infrastructure projects, financed in part by the recently created and Chinese-led Asia Investment Infrastructure Bank (AIIB). Established in 2015, the AIIB has 70 member countries,including many U.S. allies and partners.59 These projects have the potential to anchor regional economies to the Chinese market.
red square 123(dff1baf6) 於 2020-08-12 09:08 回覆:
Made in China 2025.China’s effort to maintain economic growth and increase incomes is also supported by the MIC 2025 plan. MIC 2025 plans to integrate information security with manufacturing throughout Chinese industry and increase the locally produced content of high-tech goods manufactured in China.61 As with similar policies in previous FYPs, this
policy leverages Chinese state capital and organizations in several strategic industries,
including aerospace, mass transit, biomedicine, new materials, equipment manufacture,
information technology, and new energy vehicles.

red square 123
2020/08/12 09:01
The American Threat
Despite a remarkable record of strong U.S. support for China’s rise, Beijing continues
to believe that Washington seeks to engineer the overthrow of CCP rule. Moreover,
Beijing assumes that Washington has been duplicitous in its promises to support the
“one China policy”—the acknowledgement that there is one China and that Taiwan is
a part of China—and to end relations with Taiwan. Beijing also believes that Washington
continues to block the PRC from asserting what it regards as its legitimate claims
to maritime territories in the South and East China Seas.
red square 123(dff1baf6) 於 2020-08-12 09:04 回覆:
The most obvious manifestation of this greater attention to soft power is Xi’s articulation of the China Dream. The intent is to capture the imagination of the Chinese people by  ffering a vision of a prosperous and promising future for the country.
Unlike the American Dream, which is more about individual opportunity to attain greater material wealth through determination and hard work, the Chinese version is about collective achievement and national glory. In other words, the China Dream is about the concrete achievement of “national rejuvenation” under the wise and farsighted direction of CCP-PLA-PRC leaders. Indeed, the China Dream is intended to inspire the Chinese people, similar to the way that candidate Donald Trump’s slogan to “make America great again” seemed to resonate with sizeable segments of the American electorate during the 2016 presidential election campaign.

red square 123
2020/08/12 08:59
Great powers are supposed to have grand strategies. The PRC is widely considered to
be a rising great power, and most observers contend that Beijing does indeed have a
grand strategy. Yet the existence of a Chinese grand strategy should not be assumed.
How might one know if 21st century China has a grand strategy? How might China’s
grand strategy be formulated? And what might be the impact of a grand strategy on
China’s future?
red square 123(dff1baf6) 於 2020-08-12 09:00 回覆:
A great power’s grand strategy is often intertwined with a state’s perceived or
actual rivalry with another state. By rivalry, the authors of this report mean an antagonistic
relationship between two states embroiled in “long-term hostility” and competition
manifested in “multiple disputes, continuing disagreements and the threat of the
use of force.”4 But a rivalry can include both competition and cooperation, and rival
states can and often do cooperate on matters of mutual interest, including trade and
commerce.5 A rivalry does not inevitably lead to war, although the existence of a rivalry
does tend to increase the likelihood of war between two states.

red square 123
2020/08/08 15:55

Recommendations 政策建議:(此處指對美國軍隊,主要是陸軍的政策建議)







red square 123(dff1baf6) 於 2020-08-08 15:55 回覆:

