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中國再度投資北極圈開採石油 與天然氣Arctic LNG 2 project美國看到卻吃不到
2019/06/13 12:30:13瀏覽304|回應0|推薦5



20190607日,中國兩大石油企業者公司,中石油和中海油也已經同諾瓦泰克簽訂了北極LNG 2項目的股權購買協議,兩大油企分別擁有該項目10%的股權,預計該收購項目將於近期完成。



20190610日,沙烏地阿拉伯能源大臣法利赫表示,該國國家石油公司沙特阿美並未退出俄羅斯諾瓦泰克公司的北極LNG 2項目(Arctic LNG 2),該公司只是延長了報價時間,目前沙特阿美已經向諾瓦泰克發出要約,表示願意就該項目簽署協定,希望諾瓦泰克能接受沙烏地阿拉伯阿美的要約。筆者之前曾經報導,中國投資協助俄羅斯,在北極圈YAMAL LNG PROJECT.成功採掘出天然氣,他們在冰天雪地的北極圈,奮戰不懈歷經5年,終於成功開花結果,只如今中國即將再度,投資開發北極圈的能源,引起法國,徳國,美國,諸如石油公司注意與陲涎,希望經由俄羅斯同意,加入投資開發行列,好分杯跟羹湯吃.



 北極LNG 2項目位於西伯利亞北部偏遠的格達(Gydan)半島附近海域,這一項目的計劃天然氣產能為19.8萬噸/日,這是繼亞馬爾LNG項目之後,俄羅斯最大的獨立天然氣生產商諾瓦泰克牽頭的第二個液化天然氣項目。





Russia’s General Board of State Expert Review (Glavgosexpertiza) has approved the construction of the Utrenneye terminal for the Arctic LNG 2 project.

Glavgosexpertiza said on Monday that its experts studied the design and documentation for the construction of the Utrenneye terminal in the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea.

The organization added that the results provided by the experts of Glavgosexpertiza issued positive conclusions.

Before the construction of the Arctic LNG 2 plant is completed in 2022, the Utrenneye terminal will accept and store construction cargo, fuel, lubrication materials and equipment for LNG production as well as industrial cargo for the development and operation of the Salmanovsky (Utrenneye) field.

Arctic LNG 2 is Novatek’s second large scale LNG export project following the giant Yamal LNG project..

France’s Total, and China’s CNPC and CNOOC each have a 10 percent stake in the project.

Total signs definitive agreements for entry into Arctic LNG 2. 

Total has announced that it has signed the definitive agreements with Novatek for the acquisition of a direct 10% interest in Arctic LNG 2, a major liquefied natural gas development led by Novatek on the Gydan Peninsula, Russia.



Russia will launch Arctic LNG 2 project even if US sanctions scare off investors –







( 時事評論國際 )
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