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川普計劃重返非洲Trump Scrambles for Africa,
2018/12/15 13:30:29瀏覽611|回應0|推薦6



Trump Scrambles for Africa, Plans to Pressure African Leaders to Chose Between the US, and Russia and China.


自從美國重返亞太戰略失敗以後,擴大轉變印太戰略,也沒啥起色,由此觀之,印度阿3也不是昔時的吳下阿萌,可以誘騙,任由美國宰割,美國只好放慢在亞太地區的腳步,轉向到非洲大陸.美國總統川普的狗頭軍師John Bolton.他建議美國不能沒有非洲的戰略利益,聳詠川普進行重返非洲戰略計劃,並且促使美國國會立法增加預算支援非洲.

難道我們都不能成為朋友嗎? 不符合美國的新非洲政策。



Trump Scrambles for Africa, Plans to Pressure African Leaders to Chose Between the US, and Russia and China.

Cant we all just be friends? Not according to Americas new Africa policy.

President Trump plans to reshape America’s policy in Africa by challenging the continent’s leaders to make a strategic choice to align themselves with America instead of Russia or China.

As he has done in other parts of the globe, Mr. Trump is angling to strengthen ties with like-minded African allies and isolate uncooperative leaders who work with America’s biggest competitors.













黑鷹計劃》.Black Hawk Down,《黑鷹墜落是2001年上映的戰爭電影,由雷利·史考特執導,描述1993年索馬利亞戰爭美國陸軍因為情報錯誤而與索馬利亞武裝民兵進行持久的巷戰過程。影片改編自美國作家馬克·包登英語Mark Bowden1999年出版的書籍Black Hawk Down (book)》(Black Hawk: A Story of Modern War

.Black hawk down ver1.jpg相關圖片








The predatory practices pursued by China and Russia stunt economic growth in Africa, threaten the financial independence of African nations, inhibit opportunities for U.S. investment, interfere with U.S. military operations and pose a significant threat to U.S. national security interests,” John Bolton, Mr. Trump’s national security adviser, is expected to say on Thursday in a speech unveiling the new approach.


U.S. security interests aren’t threatened by Chinese and Russian influence in Africa, and framing U.S. policy for the entire continent as a zero-sum great power competition isn’t going to be very appealing to African governments.

Considering how large and diverse Africa is, defining U.S. policy as one for the entire continent is not smart, and it will probably be taken as a sign that the administration doesn’t know what it’s talking about.


Most of these states had a history of non-alignment during the Cold War, and I suspect most of them will not want to be forced into making such a choice now. 


The administration’s plan is called “Prosper Africa,” but African governments will be understandably skeptical that Trump has any interest in seeing their countries prosper.

The plan appears to be forcing African governments to choose Washington’s camp or risk facing “isolation” imposed by the U.S. That is a typically heavy-handed approach, and it’s one that won’t be welcomed.

Part of Bolton’s speech will involve more of the usual U.N.-bashing that we expect from him, and it will apparently include a threat to cut off support for peacekeeping operations on the continent:


Mr. Bolton also is expected to warn the United Nations that the Trump administration could end its support for peacekeeping efforts in Africa, home to seven of the 14 ongoing “blue helmet” operations.











( 時事評論國際 )
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