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2018/12/13 13:21:57瀏覽1255|回應0|推薦8


加拿大北電網絡(Nortel Networks),是由北方電訊(Northern Telecom Limited)及海灣網路(Bay Networks)在1998年所合併而成的公司, 但公司的銷售額依舊連年下滑,2008年年銷售額104億美元,僅是其頂峰時期的1/3,而當年虧損高達58億美元2009年1月14日,北電網路同時在美國和加拿大申請破產保護。

The Deal That Could Have Saved Nortel.

As Nortel files for bankruptcy Wednesday, analysts point to sinking sales, missed earnings and poor management as drivers for the Canadian telecoms long descent to insolvency. 

But a less-discussed factor may have scuttled the struggling networking companys last hope for a savior: concerns over Chinese cyberspying.

Toronto-based Nortel, whose stock has lost more than 97% of its value in the last year, announced in September that it would sell its metro Ethernet business, an Internet-focused piece of the company that generates about $1.5 billion a year in revenue.

The most interested potential acquirer of the Ethernet division may have been Chinese company Huawei, which, according to Avian Securities, bid $400 million for Nortels offering in September. This was a generous offer considering the companys current market capitalization, hammered by debt and missed earnings projections, languishes at less than half that value.


More recent rumors suggested that Israeli networking company Radware may have been bidding as little as $50 million for the same division, according to the Israel news site Globes. 

Huaweis higher bid, however, came with a caveat. The Shenzhen-based networking giant has a murky history of cooperation with its homelands authoritarian regime, and concerns over Huaweis government ties, according to some industry-watchers and security analysts, may have spooked Nortels customers that carried sensitive U.S. government data and scuttled the Chinese companys offer.











根據情資顯示出,加拿大北電網絡(Nortel Networks)已經與中國華為電信公司達成出步協議,由華為出席資300億美元,全力支援北電網絡,(Nortel Networks工)重新建置加拿大5G.電信系統,唯一條件就是割愛41% 股權,給予華為公司並,這樣一來加拿大參與美國綁架勒索華為CFO孟晚舟事件,引發北電網絡(Nortel Networks)董事會決定,出售股權挽救北電網絡(Nortel Networks)營運困境,以及保護15000名員工及協力廠商的工作機會.這樣一來加拿大與美國始料未及必竟民間商業競爭是正常的併購模式並無不法如果傳聞屬實那麼華為CFO孟晚舟事件,對於中國華為電信公司就是塞翁失馬,焉知非福,聽說201901雙方將在加拿大討論細節,屆時將有最新消息傳出,那就是美國另外兩家電信公司,貝爾電信BELL TELECOM,南方電信SOUTHREN TELECOM.將跟進使用華為5G電信系統,這樣一來美國政府千方百計的阻擋,華為電信公司,完全失敗,逼迫美國將適度開放部份5G市場,給予中國華為與AT&T.WIRELESS.INC.共同管理營運,換句話說有錢大家賺取何樂而不為?







Those concerns may have derailed Huaweis interest in Nortel. Eve Grilliches, a telecom analyst with IDC research, says shes heard from sources close to Verizon and AT&T that as Huawei carried out its due diligence for the Nortel deal, it learned that the two U.S. broadband providers would likely stop buying Nortel equipment if the Canadian vendor was acquired by a Chinese company.


"The deal made a lot of sense at first because [Huawei] really liked the technology," Grilliches says. "But if Verizon and AT&T arent going to use the equipment, whats the point?"

Since Nortels drill-bit stock price could get it booted off the New York Stock Exchange, losing a bid from Huawei may have been the end of Nortels last chance, said Mota. 


"Without it," he joked, "they may need a bailout from the Canadian government."

美國高通公司與蘋果公司,就不得不配合華為電信公司,因為美國技不如人,只有選擇技術合作才是上策,至於AT&T.WIRELESS.INC的5G 電信系統,則延後至少要到2019年底,才能以試驗型的模式,在小部份的城市試驗運作,如此一來美國老百姓,尤其是跨洲際的商業公司與人士,當然會選擇中國華為的5G電信系統使用.









2、Massive MIMO、異構組網等5G帶來的新技術與架構給網絡潛能的挖掘帶來巨大挑戰;


比如:和4G相比,5G使用更高的頻段。物理知識告訴我們,更高的頻段,會帶來更高的傳輸速率,但是也會讓波長變短,直接降低無線信號的穿透力。歷史上看,由於頻率的提升,每一代通信技術的通信覆蓋半徑都在減少,2G基站的覆蓋半徑大約是5-10公里, 3G基站減少為2-5公里,4G基站繼續減少到為1-3公里,到了5G基站,覆蓋半徑很可能縮減為500米。覆蓋半徑越短,基站就要越多,而基站越多,網絡管理就更複雜、建設成本就更高。






( 時事評論雜論 )
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