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2018 FIFA.Where and What to Eat in St. Petersburg.2018世界杯足球賽在聖彼得堡吃在那裡?吃什麼?
2018/06/22 00:49:05瀏覽288|回應0|推薦8


記得要攜帶足球觀賞證(個人狗牌), 俄羅斯政府規定凡是簽約的餐廳,食堂,飯店,酒吧,夜總會,舞廳百貨公司,等消費場所一律8折優待球迷.筆者介紹幾家聖彼得堡餐廳及食物飲料等僅供參考,由於筆者工作關係,要等到20180701以後才有假期,外出消費及狂歡,如果你是台灣的球迷到俄羅斯聖彼德堡,觀光旅遊欣賞球賽,很有可能在聖彼得堡某處巧遇筆者?




Like all other tourist capitals of the world, St. Petersburg has cafes, bars and restaurants to suit any taste. On hot summer days, the center is all outdoor seating. Tired tourists, looking for a place to relax, are often overwhelmed by the multitude of options. RIA Novosti has explored the culinary map of the city on the Neva.

( 休閒生活生活情報 )
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