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阿富汗反抗軍「塔利班」20180609日首次宣布,與阿富汗政府軍停火3天。Taliban Ceasefire with Afghan army
2018/06/17 13:42:39瀏覽672|回應0|推薦4






The Taliban announced its first ceasefire in Afghanistan since the 2001 US invasion on Saturday, with a three-day halt in hostilities against the country’s security forces that was greeted with relief by war-weary Afghans.

But the group warned the suspension of fighting for the first three days of Eid, the holiday that caps off Ramadan, did not extend to “foreign occupiers”, who would continue to be targeted by the militants.

The unexpected move came two days after the Afghan government’s own surprise announcement of a week-long halt to operations against the Taliban.

It is the first time in nearly 17 years of conflict that the militants have declared a ceasefire, albeit a limited one.

“All the mujahideen are directed to stop offensive operations against Afghan forces for the first three days of Eid-al-Fitr,” the Taliban said in a WhatsApp message to journalists.

But it added that “if the mujahideen are attacked we will strongly defend (ourselves)”.

The Taliban said “foreign occupiers are the exception” to the order sent to its fighters around the country.

“Our operations will continue against them, we will attack them wherever we see them,” it said.

Even a brief cessation of hostilities would bring welcome relief to civilians in the war-torn country, nearly two decades after the Taliban regime was toppled.


A ceasefire (or truce), also called cease fire, is a temporary stoppage of a war in which each side agrees with the other to suspend aggressive actions. Ceasefires may be declared as part of a formal treaty, but they have also been called as part of an informal understanding between opposing forces. A ceasefire is usually more limited than a broader armistice, which is a formal agreement to end fighting. Successful ceasefires may be followed by armistices, and finally by peace treaties.


,伊斯蘭教適逢齋戒月,阿富汗總統甘尼(Ashraf Ghani)20180607日宣布,將於齋戒月的第27天到「開齋節」的第5天暫時停火後,「塔利班」也跟著宣布將於本月中旬伊斯蘭教「開齋節」期間停火3天,不過並未說明確切停火時間。




阿富汗總統甘尼(Ashraf Ghani)2014當選總統後在1個月後就.

訪問中國,尋求中國的全面救援與戰後重建工作,諸多的基礎建設工程,公路,鐵路,橋樑,發電廠,機場,學校,醫院及為首頗多的政府機關建築物,阿富汗總統甘尼(Ashraf Ghani)甚至於要求中國出兵蕩平清除阿富汗反抗軍「塔利班」組織成員,不過中國截至目前為止,並未出兵進攻阿富汗反抗軍「塔利班」組織成員










阿富汗總統甘尼(Ashraf Ghani)自從甘尼(Ashraf Ghani)總統於2014年10月訪問中國大陸以來,阿富汗與中共的安全、外交與經貿關係已經提升到了一種前所未有的緊密態勢。阿富汗學者卡哈里(Ahmad Bilal Khalil)在發表於《外交家》上的一份稿子中,表示甘尼總統在那次訪問大陸的行程中,讓習近平開口宣佈將向喀布爾提供3億2,900萬美金的補助。




在「一帶一路」的戰略指導下,中共即將投資設立中國-巴基斯坦經濟走廊(China-Pakistan Economic Corridor)。此一措施,可根本性的幫助阿富汗消除伊斯蘭國的威脅,同時也阻止激進維吾爾人在中亞發展勢力。早從中共與蘇聯決裂開始,北京就積極尋求改善與喀布爾的關係。1965年,中共與阿富汗簽署了一份邊界協定。這是有史以來,阿富汗第一次獨立與外國簽署的條約。 



塔利班分子會和阿富汗安全部隊軍人擁抱,並與阿國平民自拍同樂,總統甘尼呼籲組織成員往和談的方向邁進,他也強調自己已準備與塔利班進行全面談判,因為開齋節帶來的景象代表阿富汗可以成為和平的國度。Some Afghan soldiers and Taliban militants embrace, take selfies amid unprecedented cease fire, as Pres. Ghani extends the truce another day.

The cease fire was marred by a suicide bomber who killed at least 21 people, mostly Taliban





( 時事評論國際 )
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