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智取威虎山(The Taking of Tiger Mountain
2018/03/15 11:51:32瀏覽795|回應0|推薦6



(智取威虎山》(The Taking of Tiger Mountain)是一部2014年博納影業出品、徐克導演的內地香港合拍3D電影,改編自作家曲波所寫的長篇小說《林海雪原》中的著名故事《智取威虎山》,講述剿匪小分隊與東北土匪鬥智鬥勇的故事[張涵予梁家輝林更新佟麗婭余男主演。







 The Taking of Tiger Mountain is a 2014 Chinese-Hong Kong 3D epic action film directed by Tsui Hark,[ produced by Huang Jianxin and Yu Dong, and based on the novel Tracks in the Snowy Forest by Qu Bo.] The story is based on a conflict between the People's Liberation Army of China and a bandit gang. It was released on December 23, 2014.








( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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