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Flower and Frog
2017/11/30 03:35:03瀏覽100|回應0|推薦1


Pai 很喜歡園藝,姊姊也是綠手指 green thumbs ,他們倆有時會互相討論,彼此切磋。我呢,則是在一旁翹著二郎腿,喝著香噴噴的茶,享受他們的成果,真是愜意啊!

Flower and Frog

Pearl of dew, you wake up from the dark

Drink, drink, you absorb elegantly 

Glitter of light, you spread the fragrance

Smell, smell, you bloom eagerly

Ray of sunshine, you meet a friend 

Croak, croak, you listen joyfully 

Blue in the sky, green on the ground

Flower and frog, in my garden yard

A cup of tea, holding in my hand

Sweet, sweet, this is my pleasant day

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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