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My Grandfather
2010/12/07 13:24:52瀏覽241|回應0|推薦2

   I heard a lot about him from mother. He was major of the town my mom lived in . He was the youngest major of all. He was nice looking man and good for sports. He takes my mom on trip a lot. They had a good time together. Wish him good luck.

                    ~ ~ ~ By Jonathan Yang  9 歲~ ~ ~

    我從媽媽的口中, 聽到了許多對外公的描述, 他是我母親故鄉--- 苑裡鎮的鎮長, 也同時是有史以來 最年輕的鎮長. 他長得英俊高大又擅長運動, 他常常帶我媽媽, 四處旅遊, 他們有一個非常愉快的童年. 在此, 祝福他, 好運! 萬事如意!

                  ~ ~ ~ 耀祖媽媽 翻譯~ ~ ~

( 在地生活北美 )
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