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MD 短評:美國企管界傳奇人物Jack Welch Jr. (1935-2020)享年84歲
2020/03/02 21:47:07瀏覽281|回應0|推薦4

John Francis "Jack" Welch Jr. (born November 19, 1935) is an American business executive, author, and chemical engineer. He was chairman and CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001. During his tenure at GE, the companys value rose 4,000%. In 2006, Welchs net worth was estimated at $720 million. When he retired from GE he received a severance payment of $417 million, the largest such payment in history.

MD 短評:Jack是工程師出身,竟然成爲企業界管理奇才,尤其是在成爲GE CEO的20年時間,他將GE的市值增加40倍,足讓那些只拿天文數字高薪卻無作爲的CEO汗顔!

( 時事評論人物 )
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