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2019/02/15 16:46:53瀏覽2228|回應1|推薦20

點擊下面是「宣紙與莎草紙的對話」you tube影像連結




埃及和中國是世界兩大文明。古代這兩種文明間並沒有互動。有趣的是, 這兩種文明都創造了各自社會裡記錄和交流的方式。他們都使用在地的材料而發明了紙張。"埃及法尤姆藝術中心" 和 "台南新象畫會" 舉辦了 "莎草紙與宣紙的對話", 透過藝術進行這兩大文明之間的文化交流。


農曆年前,在尼羅河綠帶的大珍珠法甬姆上,古老的埃及和古老的華夏通過各自文化藝術的媒材探索著彼此,新象畫會一行受邀至法甬姆藝術中心冬季藝術學院Winter Art Academy,藉著藝術的進駐,創作、交流、展示,探索著彼此古老藝術形式和技巧的傳承,尋求彼此間碰撞後造就出時代精髓與創新的火花。


Merer 古夫大金字塔的施工日誌 


說起Paper這個英文字,有人說是由Papyrus(莎草紙)而來。埃及考古學家Zahi Hawaas 稱在21世紀最重要的考古發現之一,是在紅海離蘇伊士港不遠的Wadi Al Jarf 發現的一卷4500多年前的莎草紙卷。第五王朝的法老古夫執政的第26年,一名工頭Merer在建立吉薩古夫大金字塔時,在莎草紙上寫下的施工日誌,裡面提供了相當不凡的考古發現。現代埃及人雖說已不再使用莎草紙作為書畫媒材,但是沒有人能忘記它在五千年文化推衍中所佔的重要地位。



中國書畫用宣紙,英文叫rice paper。中國人引以為傲的重要發明-紙 ,雖然晚了埃及的莎草紙三千年,蔡倫的紙造價低廉和方便性也傳入西方世界,這也加速了人類文明的進程。麥克‧哈特著「影響世界歷史100位名人」將蔡倫放在第七名。


莎草紙由藝術中心館長Mohamed Abla先生示範技法,Mohamed是國際知名的藝術家,介紹莎草紙的特性,並在其上行雲流水自由自在作畫。他在莎草紙上開心地為團員造像,讓大家見識到大師的寬闊胸襟,激起所有畫友們欲親身體驗莎草紙的繪畫樂趣。

埃及藝術家Marian Nosshi 示範製作濕壁畫Frescos。看過帝王谷王陵的多數人大概都未曾想過古埃及人如何在岩壁上作畫,幸運地,因為目睹多年從事濕壁畫Frescos研究與創作的Marian小姐的示範過程,理解古埃及石窟畫中必備的技能,繁複的石灰材料的準備和製作,那一層Frescos 真的讓人大開眼界。







離別營火晚會,新象被要求唱著去年台灣女藝會友來訪時打動人心的「月亮代表我的心」。沒有月亮的晚上,溫暖 的月卻在彼此胸中昇起。所有冬令藝術學員手拉著手圍成圓圈,唱跳著「高山青」,營火嗶啵,星子閃爍,沙漠冷洌的空氣裡,大伙的心卻滿溢暖意。我們以訪客身份而來,以好友身分而別。東西藝術視野因這次的相會 更拓寬了彼此。

2019春 Cecilia 記於埃及

General Manager Mr. Ibrahim Abla hosted artists presentation

The international Exhibition " Dialogue Between Papyrus & Rice Paper" opened by Museum curator Mr. Mohamed Abla


Dialogue Between Papyrus and Rice Paper



Click above is "Dialogue Between Papyrus And Rice Paper" you tube film

Egyptian and Chinese civilizations are the oldest civilizations in the world. There was no interaction between the two civilizations in the ancient time. It is intriguing that both civilizations creating methods to record and communicate among their perspective societies using writing. Both civilizations invented paper using local ingredients. The “Fayoum Art Center, Egypt” and the “New Aspects Art Group of Tainan” organized a “Dialogue Between Papyrus and Rice Paper” to create cultural exchange between these two civilizations through art.

Before the Lunar New Year, at Tunis Fayoum which located on the great pearl of the Nile belt, the Ancient Egypt and the ancient China explored each other through the media of their respective cultures. New Aspect Art Association members were invited to the Winter Art Academy of Fayoum Art Center to explore the inheritance of each others ancient art forms and techniques through the presence of art, creation, interactions and exhibition. Seeking a cllaboration with each other to create the essence of the time and the spark of innovation.


The distance is far away between Egypt and Tainan. both sides are full of curiosity.  They are unfamiliar about each other. We tried to link the two sides. In a sense we tried to imitate the ancient Silk Road. We tried to open a paper and mural Media Road. We started by the introduction of the different forms of writing, painting on different types of papers and fresco art. 

In other words, the Ancient Egyptian civilization and Ancient Chinese culture met in Fayoum, Egypt.

Speaking of the word “paper”, some people believe it came from the words “papyrus”. Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawaas said one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the 21st century was a roll of papyrus more than 4,500 years ago found in Wadi Al Jarf, not far from Port Suez in the Red Sea. In the 26th year of the reign of Pharaoh Khufu of the Fifth Dynasty. A foreman, Merer, wrote the construction log on papyrus during the building of the Great Pyramid in Giza. This papyri provided quite extraordinary archaeological discoveries. Although the modern Egyptians no longer use papyrus as a medium for painting and calligraphy, no one can forget its important position in the cultural perfunctory of 5,000 years.

There is a direct relationship between the advanced civilization and the speed of cultural communication. When the eastern world was still using tortoise shell and animal bone, bamboo and wood slips, Egyptian papyrus has already created Egyptian brilliant civilization, also prompted the Greeks and the Romans to borrow the convenience of this paper. This was the birth of their magnificent civilizations. 

Chinese calligraphy and painting paper is called “rice paper”. Paper is one of the important inventions that the Chinese people are proud of. Although it was 3,000 years after first Egyptian papyrus used. The low cost and convenience of Chinese inventor Cai Lun paper has also been introduced into the Western world, which has accelerated the process of human knowledge sharing. Michael H. Hart (born April 27, 1932) American astrophysicist and author, put Cai Lun in seventh place with "The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History”

The two sides met in the beautiful Fayoum Art Center museum courtyard and held this cultural interactions as a medium and exhibition exchange.

Papyrus painting technique was demonstrated by Mr. Mohamed Abla, the founder and owner of the Art Center. Mohamed is an internationally renowned artist. His art painting presents flow and freedom. He introduced the charactor of Papyrus, and demostrate several art techniques on Papyrus, latter he painted portraits for the regiment members happily, stirring up the eager fun of all artists to experience the painting of papyrus firsthand.

Egyptian artist Marian Nosshi has been working on Frescos for a long time. She demonstrated the production of frescos. Most people who have seen the mausoleum of the Valley of the Kings have never thought about how the ancient Egyptians painted on the rock walls, and fortunately, because of the demonstration of Miss Marian, we understood the necessary skills in ancient Egyptian cave wall paintings, that layer of frescos really opened everyone’s eyes.

Chinese Ink calligraphy and paintings also draw high interest to the Winter Art academy artists .  The method of ink brush stroke was demonstrated by Tom John, the chairman of New Aspect. He explained the technique of brush painting, not only interpreted  how to build up a well balanced painting  with the brush and ink , but also bring out the spirit of Chinese literati painting in depth and simplicity.


Calligraphy and Seal Carving renown master Mr. Du Qidong performed Chinese writting characters in different era in the history.  He demonstrated the highly artistic types of calligraphy art vividly, and generally shared the wooden carved seal print to every one.  

All the New Aspect artist members were excited to absorb the new knowledge, while the artists from Austria, England, USA and all Egyptian artists have repeatedly and cheerfully expressed their delight in the exchange process.

The last day, we had a campfire Farewell Party. The New Aspect artists were requested to sing  "The Moon represents my Heart”   which was sang in the last year during Taiwanese Women’s Artists Association visit to the Fayoum Art Center. Although on the night without the moon in the sky, the warm moon rise in each others heart. All winter art Academy cadets in hands in hands around a circle, singing and dancing Taiwanese folklore "Alisan Song". Campfire beep, stars flashing, in the desert cold air everyones heart was full of warmth. We came as visitors and left as friends. East and West Art Horizons broaden each other.


Cecilia wrote in 2019 early spring 


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盹龜雞~ 二月七日與十日 陽明山 與 花鐘
2019/02/19 08:46
相隔如此遙遠的埃及莎草 與臺灣書畫會的聯誼對話 , 是多麼珍貴又令人雀躍啊尖叫, 沒有 CECI的圖文介紹, 我們都不知道呢 。
開羅的女人 CECI(ceci1220) 於 2020-05-09 20:59 回覆:
謝謝盹!我想大多數台灣人對埃及的印象大概不出金字塔,尼羅河,法老。埃及今天已有ㄧ億人口居住在這片土地上,他㥃的生活和文化有著豐富和多樣的面貌,我和吉米就想搭起兩邊文化交流的橋。在連續兩年成功舉辦的活動裡,得到許多寶貴經驗,期待將來雙方持續進行更多的互動與合作。Insha Allah