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supple for many years
2018/01/22 16:38:50瀏覽185|回應0|推薦0

There are many causes of dry skin ranging from cold dry air especially in the winter months, to medication you are taking, to hormones.

Research has also shown that yo-yo dieting can cause severe stretches to skin resulting in lost elasticity. This can cause the face to wrinkle and sag prematurely. Sun tanning is also known for causing premature aging and wrinkling of the skin.

Experts believe the skin is a smart organ that has a memory. That is why some people have crows feet around the eyes from squinting or smile wrinkles from smiling. If the face forms a specific expression over time, the skin remembers and automatically folds to that form. So stop frowning!!

Women are under the misconception that if the skin is dry it need oil. Actually what it needs is water or moisture to rejuvenate it. That's why too much cleaning can do more damage than good. The best time to apply moisturizer is on damp skin. It then traps the moisture between the cream and the skin so it can be absorbed.

The best moisturizer is really dependant on your skin type. There are plenty of products to choose from all claiming to make you look younger. However there is no research available to actually determine which creams work or don't work. There is no question some are better than others but don't believe for a moment that because it cost more it's superior.

( 興趣嗜好烹飪烘焙 )
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