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Furious iPhone users say Apple’s latest update is killing battery life
2021/09/25 12:55:26瀏覽45|回應0|推薦0
Furious iPhone users say Apple’s latest update is killing battery life
By Will Feuer June 4, 2021
-- --it is for my iphone 6s plus and ES after updaated to ios 14.x.x(or 15.x.x?)
As i mentioned before earlier my iphone 6s plus and 6es battery died fast and got error message that charging app not supported. in the meanwhile we were forced to buy charging cable that only worked few days which really pissed off us.
that same period time apple store showing some free charging app but later request to pay.
after posted it was improved for a while, until new updated... then yutube declared apple was not the one to be blamed. we tried to install the new version because it worse and worse. and it was ios 14.5.5(or 15.5.5?) whenever turned on immediately battery dropped down to 10+% even it was fully charged.
Last night i google searched to find any other people suffered, its a lot, i even tried to find how to downgrade but quite difficult. earlier my spouse told me a news about the new version did damage battery.
this evening cant endure i tried to update ios again then battery immediately down to 1% and cant turned off fortunately 11:35pm it completed but showing ios 12.5.5.
long time ago i already knew the new version would be worse and worse but if refused to update then it would not work so cant but be foreced updated.

From what i went thru(to replace charging cable, buy new charging app and now replace batery) i would say when it showing the charging app were not supported because those new charging app tried to collect fee, but failed it must irritate them(apple and those created charging app) to lose money.
why force to upgrade? what filthy benefits behind it now? to kill battery because i saw google search popped up many apple store to "replace battery adv" to solve the new ios version itself problem. Another filty business benefit to squeeze out user money?
what we as clients wanted? no more to force us updated new version, the battery original app shouldnt cause not support error message. these quite old apple phone wont attract many hackers burry virus to steal money.
ps last night i read a paper showing if battery health max. capacity down to 80% then should replace new battery. im sorry my apple 6s plus down to 60% if only if charging app working it wont cause problem. now the filthy killing battery life game it down to 50% within a month.
i would suggest china dont waste time, money in usa products which embeded O.S.-type such as notebook microsoft O.S., cell phone iOS, but focus on china made O.S.-type machine which are reliable, stable.

PS 9/25/2021 the same condition 100% fully charged then turned on iOS 12.5.5 (plug-in status, when capacit down below 80% better plug in whenever use it) only made battery down to 84% in stead of ios 14.x.x(or 15.x.x?) down to 10%. Can apple still declared battery drained fast paroblem has nothing to do with it?

PS 9/30/2021 美国政府免于关门 但或波及全球的严重危机,仍在逼近 2021年10月01日 08:41 来源:中国新闻网
美股三大指数涨跌互现 热门中概股多数下跌 2021年09月30日 04:53 来源:中新经纬参与互动
--9/28 we lost $14,697.83 and 9/30 $4,619.05 in usa market. while grocery stores food price jumpped high. usa itself didnt do jobs right but still can fool 捧臭脚 thats why 效仿美式抗疫的国家纷纷遭殃.
ps 10/1/2021 usa stocks market deeply down due to 科技股 (and 叫停授课、医护短缺…防疫措施不到位 美国疫情日趋严重) same as taiwan 台积电 日月光 鸿海. 苏建荣 黄国伟 are full mouth liars. it caused by 美国要求多家半导体制造商交出客户名单、库存量等企业机密资料一事 not because 台股下跌属盘整态势 or 大陆恒大金融债务.
当地时间周三(9/29),在经历了前一天(9/28 we lost $14,697.83)的抛盘后,投资者逢低买入,推动美国纽约股市主要股指反弹。不过,以科技股为重的纳指因为对美债收益率上行的风险敞口较大,周三低开低走,连续第四个交易日收跌 and 第5个交易日 9/30 we lost another $4,619.05 again.
美国一些政客惯于“贼喊捉贼”,经常在没有证据的情况下指摘别人扰乱市场,却忘了自己才是经贸领域的“筑墙高手”。单方面挑起贸易战以来,美国泛化“国家安全”概念,以政治手段打压他国高科技企业,系统性限制本国高科技产品出口,严重扰乱此类产品全球供应链. ...
at least 波音 earlier has guts to point out whats wrong with 美国政府 but taiwan still full mouth liars. ps end of to today our usa stock market up $6000+ whenever i posted it up as usual..

PS 9/30/2021 中方在联合国大会正告欧盟、加拿大:不要错上加错
-- 捧臭脚 IQ very likely lower than usa master especially our stink 台獨.

PS 10/1/2021 in the past we can report scam phone call, but now those websites suddenly all disappeared when i tried to report 2179126745 is a scam phone call(auto insurance related) today. since i post Hadi president was murdered and usa/taiwan involved, google search became useless, not even can identify phone number is a business or scam.
10/1/2021 i posted in 360 mylib more and more clearly when MS auto deleted my data files 2021-10-02
today i tried to back up my notebook data files in my external huge HD. after i done and tried to eject my external HD but wont work even i closed all file explorer, firefox, other nothing related notepad data files still no use, i can see unknown app accesses my external HD so i clicked Recycle Bin and found MS sneakly auto deleted many old data files in my external HD. i immediately restoreit then tried eject again but no use. so i can not but unplugged it and i knew i already because it damaged and destroyed many data files, but what else i can do about it?

During my backup some are files in onedrive which should in my notebook document folder but also not knowing why in onedrive. all i can say is frequently i can see file explorer malicious changed like today, my cursor auto moved abnormal when i tried to copy and paste in external HD.

I am really waitting for china made O.S. in urgent. i do not have any expectation and hope in usa.

ps not sure any related to my post in udn blog Furious iPhone users say Apple’s latest update is killing battery life caused the punishment
( 時事評論公共議題 )
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