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福建福清举办梦文化节 彰显道教社会关怀--道教 and 梦, 莲花
2018/12/30 18:57:25瀏覽122|回應7|推薦0
福建福清举办梦文化节 彰显道教社会关怀 【编辑:姜贞宇】
台湾道教团体组团参加福清石竹山梦文化节。图为台湾信众集体参拜石竹山九仙君。开幕式现场。 海内外信众齐参拜“石竹九仙”,祈愿国泰民安、风调雨顺。 郑松波 摄
中新网福清12月23日电 (林春茵 郑松波)第六届中华梦乡福清石竹山梦文化节暨“一带一路”梦文化国际研讨会23日在福建省福清市石竹山举办。


--recently found out 梦, 莲花 are 道教 related. I have to admit hardly knew 道教 well.
when my eldest brother worked in the south of taiwan, has a chance met his 房东 also is 乩童.       
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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2019/03/12 15:23

just visited famous 淡水福佑宫(including 妈祖) which has over 237 years(built in 清乾隆 1782), unfortunately the man told me no more 乩童 but 斗法, i thought that's good can see 法术相斗 but turned out just same as 诵经. kind of disappointed.
And from 鬼吹灯 第七部 怒晴湘西 novel it mentioned ...执事的要先提着公鸡唱赞,要赞这鸡如何如何之好,又为何为何要宰,因为这是宰鸡放血时唱的赞口,所以也叫裁鸡令...执事之人朗声诵道:“此鸡不是非凡鸡,身披五色锦毛衣,脚跟有趾五德备,红冠缀顶壮威仪;飞在头顶天宫里,玉帝唤做紫云鸡,一朝飞入昆仑山,变作人间报晓鸡;今日落在弟子手,取名叫做凤凰鸡,凤凰鸡、世间稀,翰音徽号盖南北;借你鲜血祭天地,祷告上下众神灵,忠义二字彻始终,同心合力上青天……”说话声中用刀子划开了鸡颈血脉,将鸡血滴入酒碗里面。..
--then i would suggest our 道教 should do the similar things such as 禹步, 公鸡唱赞(i believe it does exist when 道教人士去除邪恶灾祸...
After that can make 紫云鸡八块 to treat those join the 斗法诵经.
i'm considering to join April 21 拜斗大法会 nt$120 but if no interesting shows then ....

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-03-12 15:28 回覆:




2019/02/02 06:01
少林寺僧众迎年终“考功” 考查经、武、艺、医等项目发布时间:2019-02-01  【编辑:杨彦宇】
1月29日、30日,河南嵩山少林寺举行年终“考功”,以“禅定”“禅武”“禅医”“禅艺”“讲经”“梵呗”“背诵”七个项目为考查内容,检验少林寺僧众在一年内的修行情况,鼓励少林僧众勤学不怠。据悉,年终“考功”是嵩山少林寺历来的传统,今年共有一百多名僧众参加考查。延秧 摄
--it's very good, and also hope our 道教 do the similar “考功”.  

2019/01/30 13:14

my sister told me her spouse's classmate, the one very rich, already did as many heart 支架 as possible to prevent too old then easily cause accident fatal failure (like my mom).

Another is he knew no matter how rich, his kids may abandon him in his final stage.

the same period time there is another quite old also failed, but later we were told that person relative insist the patinet stays in emergency room but we were fooled by hospital moved out to normal room because no danger. after mom died that person still alive in emergency room.

you have to know well to fight for your rights that the accident shouldn't happen if doctor did the right procedure to prevent.

2019/01/25 15:03
揭秘:死亡四类型与死后去向之谜 2015年01月05日 来源:凤凰佛教综合 作者:济群法师
--this is quite interestig,and expect scientists do more research to explain why 体温将逐渐降低 but the last one could be different people in different place? i beleieve somany years pile up 佛经 must base on the true cases and found out not every one is the same.
my best guess it depends the person died reason:some caused by heart disease, some caused by lung... maybe that's why in different place.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-25 15:11 回覆:

i suspect those fatty type very likely 腹部 is the last one because has fat protect from cold. i was told the dying's legs always is the 1st shrink,because far from the heart.

if i am/were right then 有些人死时识从膝盖离开,则堕于畜生道 is not many but  有些人死时识从腹部离开,则生于饿鬼道 quite more especailly in usa. Haaa just joke.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-25 16:13 回覆:
--this we didn't get from the hospital 医学报告, but whenever the doctor told a better news immediately bad thing followed such as minor fever, we knew mom is getting worse gradually and not statble. but still have sense such as:
one day i found out her fingers smelt bad that because she had shits came out and if not help her in time to clean out then her fingers would try to get rid of shits. that's how every day i would wash her hands.
when we cleaned her shits her hands always tried to hold balnket to cover her private place.
the last time i saw the junior nurse did wrong way to clean mucus in lung caused mom vomited.
she was so painful and tried to tell me like baby(she only showed to me couple times and i love her so much).
but from hospital hints mom was in final terminal stage, no sense that i can't accpt at all. didn't see 以上几项 but maybe 呼吸暂停(my 2nd brother suspect, younger brother and me didn't believe)
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-25 16:14 回覆:
i'm not convinced 可以避免横死, the husband's wife was voluntary working for the hospital many years, was 佛教徒,she was found deadly cancer too late.
my cousin was also volunteer for 慈济 did get oral cancer and been cured over 10 year but just changed plan to a year in stead of 6mm revisit then burst out. 
some 病人 themselves not knowing how deadly disease they got then too late to 治疗.
some 病人 knew not right but can't find very professional doctor to help them.

2019/01/24 19:13
went thru mom's death and myself bad experiences i figured out our life is not 100% controlled by ourself but people around us.
my mom used to tell us she would rather die in stead of can't eat and whole day lying on bed... but when the accident happened i knew mom tried hard to fight for surviving and i always encourged her. but not all kids did the same thing as i am.
there is a nun came to visit my mom twice. i inquired her opinion and verify whether i were wrong. she told me i am right by what she saw many dying patients and their family members. it is completely not what she thought when she came to be voluntary worker. so after chat with me she told all of us on the site that shouldn't because my mom said something before then assume she want to die earlier. I completely agreed her.
my eldest brother's wife sister also was chief nurse then did voluntary in the hospital told me the 1st time she visited mom is really not good but 2nd time my mom did much better.
the whole processing made me found out taiwan hospital and insurance system still lots need to improve but i can't see it could for at least 10 years because broken and too many popullation in small island.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-24 20:48 回覆:
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-24 22:24 回覆:


And those believe 死亡并不可怕,可怕的是充满怨恨的活着
i would say they are wrong, our ancestors told us 好死不如赖活 is the truth. the nun i met believed what she heard such as 人要死的时候去急救,这个怨结得深, in hospital she must see patients fought to survive but their familes, doctors abandon them especially those suffered hospital doctors, nurses, kids this and that mistakes caused serious and deadly problems.

we also saw those failed in their jobs then killing innocents incuding murder their parents to expect survive by stealing others money or inherits because  好死不如赖活, would rather others die make self alive.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-24 22:25 回覆:

the missing part:


蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-24 22:37 回覆:
--it also proves 好死不如赖活 to 夺走前者之神识 for reborn. my question is 被夺走之神识 would rvenge?what's good for the 母亲 raise the 高僧 in the future won't work to make money feed back parents but become monk again? certainly very few monks became famous and make money most are not.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-24 22:51 回覆:

those 道教佛教基督教 belivers want to 成神仙 成佛菩萨 得永生 in stead of reborn 为何?
死亡前 been abandoned caused 怨瞋恨 very huage and painful.
same to those did abandon their parents, spouse,.. because they knew in the future their kids or others wuld do the same things to them.
in the past my sister thought mom is not fair when she got 2 sons finally not sure what is fair even she tries to be fair to her kids.
so her husband went thru his parents death then told my sister hold money tightly not forgive to kids.

they both still insist not live that can't eat and lying on the bed, because both never taking care the dying parents.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-24 23:09 回覆:
when his father was quite ill in hospital, he told me saw many freign kids hanging the windows, walls and saw huge mosquitos, the past experinces like film playing .. i kept telling him they are not existing don't go with any one he saw.
when he recovery he was very appreciated me and years later died in 99 after i married and stay in usa.
his father didn't want to be alive and refuse to eat 3? days later died. he did knelt down to beg his father eat.
never taking care the dying parents--the parents died quite quickly, he did take care them when they were OK.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-30 12:49 回覆:
Last couple years whenever my spouse got ill and had to stay hospital for a while, then always has voluntary inquired him to sign the wil...that if bad things happen does he want to authorize me or attorney or give up his life.
he authorized me but he wants to decide medicines...by himsef if he still can.
after went thru my mom case i was appreciated my spouse let me took care mom in hospital including after she died, so i told him i would do the same thing for him if only if he wants be alive even in the final stage.
i really believe 求生本能 even 鼻胃管餵食 is not that difficult job if practice for a week. 抽肺部被厚厚的黏液 also can if relatives have chance to learn with a better tool(put in the mouth so the tube can smoothly and correctly down to air pipe) help.
the only problem is whether still have money to pay medical expenses and hire professional assistant when needing. how much money we need keep money for alive that is the most key point for all families and which decide the patients final stage...so we are not 100% control our life but people around us ...

2019/01/24 18:18
during my father died in Shainghei china i tried apply passport to attend, but found out duplicate ID number --unbeievable happened to me so missed. but in time attended mom did for my father 放焰口 in 玉佛寺. indeed i saw the wood-windows opened and closed frequently and loudly did examine can't find any machine controlled evidence. in the end we all knelt down and picked up those candies(or else don't rememebr) the chief monk nodded his head to me only. i really would like to 请教 but afraid he already too tired.姐的丈夫
my mom applied 牌位 in  玉佛寺. however since then when i 梦 my father he always happy(except one) and cooking in a huge 锅. in front his tomb has book-like.
so we made a joke that he reading and hearing 佛经 every day and maybe became 厨师修行 Laaa. however my mom is not so lucky because we can't against 2nd brother not until he decide what he wants. because in 玉佛寺 father's 牌位 and tomb already reserved place for mom.
however my mom is not so lucky because we can't against 2nd brother not until he decide what he wants to do. because in 玉佛寺 father's 牌位 and tomb already reserved place for mom.
 so far except 姐的丈夫 梦 my mom and 姐梦 my parents together, they both believe 基督教.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-24 18:34 回覆:

there are 4 times i got 梦 that my father(3 times) tried to pull my mom with him and I stopped him, another is my aunt(not 佛教徒居士 aunt) with my father tried to pick up my mom to the boat I stopped them again. when mom returned from china i asked her what happened to her she siad got quite ill and heart pain then i told her about my 4 times dreams.
before mom died my sister dremt the same aunt picked up mom and she knew my mom dying even i am quite not believe because doctore anounced her lung infected and spread did abandon but in the end she was recovered mostly and her 长时间躺在床上的褥疮 became hole also recovered and grew new skin.
when the other husband told me his wife just a week earlier then mom in 安宁病床 died and my mom would be soon i still don't believe him.

but she died 3 days later because the nurse is not experienced didn't lift my mom bed head up then vomited while i was there and requested my younger brother lift up the bed head , seemed ok but later caused serious deadly problem in the evening when i was home.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-24 18:55 回覆:
the worst thing is one day morning i came to take care mom in hospital immediately saw the big-blood colour dripped on the ground nearby the door inside and outside, entered bedroom smelt strong distinct smelling(my 2nd brother always over night slept in bedroom sofa didn't smell anything and didnt see the blood) i thought some one in bathroom but no one went bathroom. while i was busy washing mom hands saw the cleaner woman did her job but after she left the blood still there unbelivable...1st time she didn't do her job well. later i told younger brother to ask the cleaner mob it. she was not there till afternoon. it is the day after the husband wife died who was next to mom's bed the 1st day mom came she moved out.
is it just happen or else?
my 2nd brother has bad temper and criticised others loudly even i remind him he still didn't know what he said might cause trouble for mom.
earlier some one stole brother's meal in refrigerator, 2nd brother has no proof but accused the only male maid did. i warned him the person was accused might be told by the female cleaner. he insist he didn't accused the female nothing to worry.
my 2nd brother is quite naive type living in his world.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-24 19:34 回覆:

mom's 5th 7days i felt she came to take paper money and stayed for long while that she was say good bye to me.
the 6th 7days and last 7th 7 days i can't control myself but tearing in the temple. especially when 牌位 was burnt that every week visited her in temple is empty now.

all these things plus when i was very illness for 3 years in the end dreamt 3 ancestors taught me wu-kung then gradually recovery. i decide believe our ancestors stories and to know our 道教 more.

2018/12/30 19:29
台湾海清宫捐赠香炉在合肥包公园揭炉启用 (记者 张俊)【编辑:孔庆玲】
  中新社合肥12月28日电 台湾海清宫捐赠香炉启用仪式28日在包公故里——安徽合肥包公园举行,来自海峡两岸的包公后人和信众共同敬香,拜谒祈福。
--i hope in the future can have chance to know taiwan 道教.
after my mom died recently, i began wondering maybe  we should know more about 道教.
due to my father side's our aunt was 佛教徒居士 so my mom learnt from her can read 佛教经书 , but she also was pulled in by neighbour and  did 基督教徒受洗 but for short period time then quit. we hardly knew 道教 but however we did our ancestors ceremony which in fact related to  道教.
My mom loved to eat that should most close to  道教, not 佛教. She wanted to be 人 continue eat that not belongs to any but 儒家.
in the end my 2nd brother insist 祖先教 ceremony for mom, but also allow eldest brother's 道教 , 佛教 due to i told them mom knew 佛经, but not  sister's 基督教 because 基督教排他性.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-24 15:51 回覆:
基督教排他性 but not 道教 , 佛教 especially  道教 camefrom our 祖先 belief then has bradmind to adopt 儒家 , 佛教...
just done for mom's 7th 7days and told it is from  道教 and  佛教 also accepted. my mom learnt how to make paper money from my 佛教徒居士 my aunt because she donated lots money to the big monks frequently when she got very ill one day got dream that saw lots money lay her bed, she was very happy then died later week. So after father died my mom knew her kids believe nothing she made for herself put most in my eldest brother and few in usa wth me. in the end My eldest brother taught me and younger brother so we did for mom because we knew her wanted.
this new year i decided to attend  道教 ceremony that 乩童s walking on the streets.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-24 16:06 回覆:

i really expect 道教 can be developed because it came from our ancetors inherited many our ancetors stories. i hope one day 屈原诗辞记录 《九歌》《东皇太一》、《云中君》、《湘君》、《湘夫人》、《大司命》、《少司命》、《东君》、《河伯》、《山鬼》、《国殇》、《礼魂》  道教能祭祀重现.
it must be attractive and high class way. i hope more dig out more just from 屈原的作品.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-01-24 16:08 回覆:
correct: i hope more dig out not just from 屈原的作品.