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2019年加拿大廣播公司詩歌獎評委會的3個寫作技巧建議:多閱讀各體裁.了解你的意圖.簡要貼切.[在你的體裁之外閱讀Read outside your genre了解你的意圖Know your intention減少雜亂 Cut the clutter]http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/126934544
CBC Books·發佈時間:2019年5月23日美國東部時間上午11:33 |最後更新時間:5月24日

From left: Lynn Crosbie, Olive Senior, and Billy-Ray Belcourt. They will judge the 2019 CBC Poetry Prize. (Laura Jane Petelko, David Helman, Tenille Campbell)左起:Lynn Crosbie,Olive Senior和Billy-Ray Belcourt。他們將評判2019年CBC詩歌獎。(Laura Jane Petelko,David Helman,Tenille Campbell)

Lynn Crosbie,Olive Senior和Billy-Ray Belcourt是2019年CBC詩歌獎的評委。
CBC詩歌獎旨在表彰未發表的加拿大詩歌。獲獎作者將從加拿大藝術委員會獲得6,000美元,在班夫藝術和創意中心參加為期兩週的寫作居住,並將他們的作品發表在CBC Books上。四名決賽選手將從加拿大藝術委員會獲得1,000美元獎金,並將他們的作品發表在CBC Books上。
為了幫助您準備提交,CBC Books向陪審員詢問了他們最好的寫作技巧
1.在你的體裁之外閱讀Read outside your genre
•來自加拿大詩人的11個藏品供人閱讀11 collections from up & coming Canadian poets to read
1. Read outside your genre

Lynn Crosbie says: "Good writers read but they dont steal. Read books certain not to influence you."

. 11 collections from up & coming Canadian poets to read

2.了解你的意圖Know your intention

Billy-Ray Belcourt說:“將這首詩視為X的一個單位,其中X可以被指責,譴責,啟示,困惑,浪漫化等等。這樣,這首詩的情感和/或智力節奏可能會更多你的讀者可以辨別出來。簡單一點:這首詩想要什麼?它對世界,生活,主題有什麼樣的要求?或者,它如何記錄主體,生活,世界的需求? ?“
•想寫更好的詩歌嗎? Juror Billy-Ray Belcourt為您提供5個技巧
2. Know your intention

Billy-Ray Belcourt says: "Think of the poem as a unit of X, where X can be accusation, condemnation, revelation, bewilderment, romanticization, etc. This way, the emotional and/or intellectual rhythm of the poem will likely be more discernible to your readers. Put simpler: What does the poem want? What sorts of demands does it make of the world, of life, of the subject? Or, how does it register the demands of the subject, of life, of the world?"

.Want to write better poetry? Juror Billy-Ray Belcourt has 5 tips for you

Entering the CBC Poetry Prize? Juror Billy-Ray Belcourt has 5 tips for you

The 2019 CBC Poetry Prize juror and past Griffin Poetry Prize winner shares his advice for emerging writers.
Billy-Ray Belcourt is a juror for the 2019 CBC Poetry Prize. (Tenille Campbell)

Billy-Ray Belcourt is an award-winning poet, Rhodes Scholar and Ph.D. student from Driftpile Cree Nation in Alberta. His debut collection of poetry, This Wound is a World, won the 2018 Griffin Poetry Prize, the 2018 Robert Kroetsch City of Edmonton Book Prize, a 2018 Indigenous Voices Award and was a finalist for the 2018 Governor Generals Literary Award for poetry. His forthcoming collection, NDN Coping Mechanisms, is due out in fall 2019.

Belcourt is also a judge for the 2019 CBC Poetry Prize. He was on CBC Radios Daybreak Alberta with Russell Bowers to give advice to writers thinking about entering the prize.

1. Let the poem lead you讓這首詩引領你

"What is so tantalizing about poetry, about the work of constructing a poem, is that you can begin in a particular place — for me, it is often a political one, a historical one, one that is about a current event — and then thatll take you elsewhere. It then becomes a poem about intimacy as much as it is about a facet of our social world."

2. Enjoy the process享受這個過程

"If someone has a poem that they can objectively know is an excellent poem according to whatever criteria or rubric theyve come up with, then they should by all means submit that. But sometimes a contest is what compels you to write, it gives you reason to write, regardless of whether you end up placing or winning. We should celebrate that call to write." 

3. See poetry as freedom將詩歌視為自由

"When I think about This Wound is a World, I think about how it allowed me to do this intellectual work of interpreting the political structures in which we as Native people are mired, which is something that academics are also doing. But what set my work apart, I think, is that the poem always allowed me to return to myself. Id never had to disappear who I was from the writing, that I was always speaking about an I and we and an us. It meant that I had very particular people, bodies, demographics, communities in mind. It was always, first and foremost, about how to figure out how to live better in the world." 

4. Be ambitious雄心勃勃

"Im interested in seeing a whole array of different types and subgenres of poetry — so lyric, narrative, concrete experimental, theoretical — I want to see all of that.

"Folks need to keep in mind that we are seeing these poems severed from their contexts. We dont know your body of writing. We dont know your intellectual or artistic aspirations. The poem needs to do a lot of work to be able to house all of that under 600 words. Its an ambitious task, but you have to be ready to inhabit that ambition to see your poem on the shortlist."

5. Dont be discouraged不要氣餒

"Ive been longlisted, shortlisted, Ive judged prizes in the past, Ive won a number of book prizes, Ive lost a number of prizes, its the name of the game. Its just one of the ways that we participate in the act of being a poet. Which isnt, I want to remind people, poetry. Theres a difference between how you occupy the literary world and what your writing looks like.

"But I want to stress that there are many avenues for institutional recognition, for having your writing taken up, and the CBC Poetry Prize is one of many."

Billy-Ray Belcourts comments have been edited for length and clarity.

進入加拿大廣播公司詩歌獎? Juror Billy-Ray Belcourt為您提供5個技巧
Billy-Ray Belcourt是2019年CBC詩歌獎的評委。 (Tenille Campbell)
Billy-Ray Belcourt是一位屢獲殊榮的詩人,Rhodes Scholar和博士。來自艾伯塔省Driftpile Cree Nation的學生。他的首部詩集“傷口是世界”獲得了2018年格里芬詩歌獎,2018年羅伯特·克魯奇市埃德蒙頓圖書獎,2018年土著聲音獎,併入圍2018年總督的詩歌文學獎。他即將推出的NDN Coping Mechanisms系列將於2019年秋季推出。
•Lynn Crosbie,Olive Senior和Billy-Ray Belcourt將評判2019年CBC詩歌獎
Belcourt還是2019年CBC詩歌獎的評委。他在加拿大廣播公司電台的Daybreak Albert與Russell Bowers一起為想要參加獎項的作家提供建議。
“對詩歌如此誘人,關於構建一首詩的作品是,你可以從一個特定的地方開始 - 對我而言,它通常是政治的,歷史的,關於當前事件的 - 然後那將把你帶到別處。然後它成為一首關於親密關係的詩,就像我們社會世界的一個方面一樣。“
•Billy-Ray Belcourt關於散文的冥想力量
•比利·雷·貝爾考特(Billy-Ray Belcourt)撰寫“關於酷兒未成年人的指導手冊”
•為什麼詩歌對格里芬詩歌獎決賽選手Billy-Ray Belcourt很重要
“我有興趣看到各種不同類型和詩歌的子類型 - 所以抒情,敘事,具體的實驗,理論 - 我希望看到所有這些。
•嘻哈二人組Snotty Nose Rez Kids如何激發格里芬詩歌獎得主Billy-Ray Belcourt
Billy-Ray Belcourt的評論已經過編輯,其長度和清晰度都很高。

3.減少雜亂 Cut the clutter

Olive Senior說:“我收到的最好的寫作建議是切!艱難但值得注意。我們總是從太多不必要的單詞,短語和繁榮開始。“

3. Cut the clutter

Olive Senior says: "The best writing advice I have ever received is Cut! Tough but worth heeding. We always start off with too many unnecessary words, phrases, flourishes."

11 collections from up-and-coming Canadian poets to read

Here are 11 Canadian poetry collections to check out for National Poetry Month.

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適任性:曾代理雅柏美國空氣淨化機,自創工商密閉空間空氣品質改善工程,行銷及研發系列產品約十年. 全面考量氣流,溫度,濕度,異味,懸浮微粒,環境靜電平衡等因素http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/110841918 說明: ( 曾有負責減除空污塵霾者應需要有豐富經驗,廣泛興趣,和符合專長的通才,才能全面考量氣流,溫度,濕度,異味,懸浮微粒,環境靜電平衡等因素,來勝任整合及研究改善相關專業及設備的責任)
異業跨界經驗或將使奇跡發生。生意業務經驗整合出關聯性專長總是主動及搶先機.機械工程管理.理財資料整理.環保產品開發.保健美容食品開發等. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/11381809
我曾代理雅柏美國空氣淨化機,自創工商密閉空間空氣品質改善工程,全面考量氣流,溫度,濕度,異味,懸浮微粒,環境靜電平衡等因素,行銷及研發系列產品約十年  LIVING AIR: https://www.facebook.com/drk.hsu/media_set?set=a.10201879243285549.1073741876.1317452722&type=3
神若願意,有規則必有例外,未來無限可能,人生非常美好。神的計劃,神的時間,奇妙難測,必是美好的!敬祝 天天快樂 闔家安康 境界更擴張 豐盛又祥和  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/114675545  台灣新店alpineatks雅柏許登昭敬託;0939191134 :alpineatks@gmail.com :新北市新店區(231)三民路117巷4弄3號3樓 ;Tel:02-8665-3255 

alpineatks許登昭. LINE:250745w6789;手機:0939-191-134: https://twitter.com/alpineatks ;SKYPE:
 台灣新北市新店區(231)三民路117巷4弄3號3樓;Tel:02-8665-3255; alpineatks@gmail.com ; 加拿大和台灣的信望愛重要夥伴商務合作"展露真心笑容,到處消除憂鬱"的終身公益活動方案.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/125384736

哈利路亞!即將播放【耶和華祝福滿滿https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-Q7j6EmMbA 神若願意,有規則必有例外,未來無限可能,人生非常美好哈利路亞!即將播放永遠的微笑大笑;  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeJR2q_jJUc我心上的兒女們,我不能夠給誰奪走僅有的春光,我不能夠讓誰吹熄胸中的太陽。願你們永遠喜樂平安。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/125378854


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