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How to write an effective resume to find a job 如何撰寫有效的簡歷來找到工作
2018/05/21 22:33:56瀏覽714|回應4|推薦0

如何為工作撰寫簡歷?設計佈局:聯繫信息:職業目標:展示你的技能:學術細節:列出你的經驗:列出你的經驗:包括其他職位:額外材料:聲明提及的信息是真實的:保持簡潔。告訴他們你很想接受采訪。感謝他們花時間閱讀你的信。告訴他們,如果你沒有聽到,你會在一周內與他們聯繫How to write an effective resume to find a job https://www.jobrino.com/blog/how-to-write-an-effective-resume-to-find-a-job/ 如何撰寫有效的簡歷來找到工作 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/112092664
 [ 如何撰寫有效的簡歷來找到工作 ]
4.展示你的技能:不要讓招聘人員尋找你簡歷上最基本的信息 - 包括一張關鍵的軟,硬技能和能力表。確保你突出顯示的技能表明你為什麼很適合這份工作。

How to write an effective resume to find a job https://www.jobrino.com/blog/how-to-write-an-effective-resume-to-find-a-job/

How to write an effective resume to find a job

The cover letter and resume combination is still the keystone of a perfect and successful job search. These reasons job seekers ask for “How to write a cover letter and resume and what to put on Resume?”

How to write a Cover Letter for a Job?

Many ask what should we create and attach a personalized cover letter. And the answer is ‘Yes’, the personalized cover letter is a one-page document and should be submitted along with the resume. Even when an employer does not specifically request one, make sure to always send a customized cover letter. The only time you would prefer not to send a cover letter when not to ask to send. Make sure to follow all points of the job listing.

Cover letter includes;

  1. Contact Information

Include both the employer’s and your contact information separately or either one side of the page.

  1. Content

In the first paragraph, begin by telling the employer the position you are applying for and how you get to know about the opportunity. The rest of this paragraph should briefly present introduction about you, including degree, the area of studies/expertise, and your career objective in terms of how they line up with the objectives of the company. You can also include detail about something in your resume that needs explanation. For instance, you can explain about career shift or an extended gap in employment.

The second paragraph should respond specifically to the job description mentioned by the hiring manager. Depict about previous job experiences, skills, and abilities that allow you to meet the company’s needs. To make it easy, you can literally include words and phrases from the job description and responsibilities in your cover letters. Do some research about the company, and try to discover out what they are doing — and why — given the present condition of their industry.

In a third paragraph, explain how you can fit into that pattern, and help drive the company forward and accomplish any objectives you speculate they may have.

The last paragraph is the “call to action.” Inform them that you’d love to get interviewed. Tell them that you’ll be in contact with them in a week if you don’t hear back. Thank them for spending the time to read your letter.

How to write a Resume for a Job?

  1. Don’t run over the edge with intricately decorated templates. Look for sufficient blank space and a font size no smaller than 11 points. There are three general formats for creating the perfect resume: chronological, functional, or combination. Your work history and the type of job you are applying for will determine the layout style.Design Layout:
  2. Contact Information: Make it simple for recruiters to connect with you by providing your contact information near the header.
  3. Career Objective: A resume objective is typically one or two sentences long. The most effective objective is one that is fitted to the job you are applying for. It states what sort of career you are looking, and what skills and experiences you have that make you perfect for that career.
  4. Showing off Your Skills: Don’t make recruiters hunt for the most basic information on your resume — include a table of your key soft and hard skill and abilities sets up top. Ensure your highlighted skills show why you’re a good match for the job.
  5. Academic details: Mention your academic details that include briefly about your education degrees or certifications and also include activities like clubs, athletics, theater, and internship projects.
  6. List Your Experience: This segment should include each company you’ve worked for, your title, the dates you worked there, and several bullet points that depict your key achievements and responsibilities.
  7. Include Other Positions: Don’t be afraid to incorporate positions that aren’t specifically related to the one you’re applying for, especially if you have limited work experience. You can still use it to show the skills and qualities you want to be highlighted.
  8. The Extra Stuff: Add some shading to your resume by adding ‘Additional Experience’ area toward the end. Include organizations/ clubs, volunteer experience, awards you’ve won, and even interesting hobbies or activities.
  9. Declaration: At the end include the declaration that the above mention information is true to best of my knowledge and belief. I take the responsibility of any mistakes in data if occur in future.
  10. Keep It Concise: Limit your resume to 1-2 pages at the most.

Here is the sample of the resume that help the job seeker to know how to write a resume for a job. Also, post your resume to find a job opportunities in USA.

creating the perfect resumecreating the perfect resume

Category Interviews Job Seekers Resumes

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