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  目前世界現存唯一的佛頂真骨舍利,在1400多年後重現南京。 昨天上午,阿育王塔金棺銀槨露出真容,世界唯一的密藏千年佛頂骨舍利被隆重請出,盛世重光。據悉,佛頂骨舍利將在棲霞寺法堂供奉一個月。




  金陵古都,法緣殊勝;佛教聖物,盛世重光。昨天正值我國第五個「文化遺產日」,在國家宗教事務局、國家文物局、江蘇省人民政府的指導下,由中國 佛教協會、南京市人民政府主辦,江蘇省佛教協會、南京市佛教協會承辦的南京大報恩寺佛頂骨舍利盛世重光法會上午隆重舉行。法會活動分為迎請、請出、供奉、 慶典、瞻禮等五個部分。

  中國佛教協會會長傳印長老及諸位副會長,江蘇省佛教協會會長明學長老及省內各大寺院住持,台灣佛光山開山宗長星云長老、澳門佛教總會理事長健釗 長老等,以及四眾弟子數千人參加了法會。國家宗教事務局、國家文物局和江蘇省、南京市有關領導參加了佛頂骨舍利盛世重光見證儀式,並出席慶典。十一世班禪 額爾德尼·確吉傑布、香港佛教聯合會會長覺光長老等發來賀電。




  供奉法會和慶典儀式後,佛頂骨舍利將在棲霞寺法堂舉行為期1個月的供奉瞻禮活動,供信眾瞻拜。位於考古遺址區的金陵大報恩寺文化園區項目也將於年內正式開工,其中大報恩寺琉璃塔重建工程將率先啟動。工程完工後,佛頂骨舍利將被迎請至琉璃塔內供奉。(柳揚 孔小平)




  曾經主持法門寺考古發掘的專家韓偉介紹說,「從頂骨舍利的寓意來說,也是級別最高的,那是最智慧頭腦的象徵。現在已知的佛頂骨,全世界只有一 塊,它不在古印度,而在中國,是很了不起的事。」追溯佛頂骨舍利的歷史,從公元7世紀到現在,世人已經有將近1400年沒見到佛頂骨了。唐顯慶二年,也就 是公元657 年,王全策派使者出使印度取回一塊片狀的佛頂骨。

  2008年7月,從南京大報恩寺遺址長干寺地宮發掘出土的鎏金七寶阿育王塔高1.1米、寬40釐米,是當前中國乃至全世界範圍內已發現的最大規 模的阿育王塔。塔身內供奉有兩套金棺銀槨,其內有 「佛頂真骨」、「感應舍利十顆」等稀世佛教聖物。專家介紹,南京的佛頂骨是目前為止世界上發現的唯一一枚,法門寺發現的是佛指。



  邁進藏經樓高處的法堂,一陣寒冷,裡面的工作人員都穿著厚厚的西裝。佛頂骨舍利等都已經放進了特製的鋼化玻璃罩裡。大家排隊依次瞻禮,只見左邊 供奉的是個頭比較大的琉璃瓶子,裡面存放的感應舍利,隱約可見。右邊供奉的則是佛頂真骨,淺淺的黃白色,蜂窠狀,只有紙皮核桃大小。



  葉南客介紹說,首先,在佛教典籍、歷史文獻中屢有記載:釋迦牟尼荼毗(即涅槃)後,其真身舍利被摩揭陀國、迦毗羅衛等八國建塔供養。阿育王即位 後,重新分佛舍利供養。據唐代僧人釋道世《法苑珠林》記載,中國有19處阿育王塔供奉佛舍利,金陵長干寺為其一。北宋真宗年間,下詔重修長干寺與佛塔,新 建的佛塔敕名「聖感舍利塔」,長干寺後改稱天禧寺。宋李之儀在《天禧寺新建法堂記》中明確記載天禧寺塔中供奉有釋迦牟尼真身舍利。





  記者注意到,記錄佛頂真骨舍利形狀的文獻記載多達7個。如,《洛陽伽藍記》卷五記:「方圓四寸,黃白色,下有孔……閃然似仰蜂窠。」《法顯傳》 記:「骨黃白色,方圓四寸,其上隆起」。《法苑珠林》記:「廣二寸餘,色黃白,發孔分明」。從這些尺寸不一的記載來推斷,佛頂骨不止一塊。















Researchers Uncover Ancient Shrine That May Hold Buddha’s Skull Bone

A 1,000-year-old inscription on the bone says it came from “the Master of Perfect Enlightenment.”

07/01/2016 03:08 pm ET

By: Owen Jarus, Live Science Contributor
Published: 07/01/2016 09:31 AM EDT on LiveScience

Archaeologists have discovered what may be a skull bone from the revered Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama. The bone was hidden inside a model of a stupa, or a Buddhist shrine used for meditation.

The research team found the 1,000-year-old model within a stone chest in a crypt beneath a Buddhist temple in Nanjing, China. Inside the stupa model archaeologists found the remains of Buddhist saints, including a parietal (skull) bone that inscriptions say belonged to the Buddha himself.

The model is made of sandalwood, silver and gold, and is covered with gemstones made of crystal, glass, agate and lapis lazuli, a team of archaeologists reported in an article published in the journal Chinese Cultural Relics.

Photo courtesy of Chinese Cultural Relics
This model of a stupa, which is used for meditation, was discovered beneath Grand Bao’en Temple in Nanjing, China. The 1,000-year-old stupa is made of sandalwood, silver and gold.

Inscriptions engraved on the stone chest that the model was found in say that it was constructed during the reign of Emperor Zhenzong (A.D. 997-1022), during the Song Dynasty. Also inscribed on the stupa are the names of people who donated money and material to build the model, as well as some of the people who constructed the model. [See Photos of the Model Stupa Holding Buddha Remains]

While the inscriptions say that the skull bone belongs to the Buddha, it is unknown whether it really does come from him. In the journal article, archaeologists didn’t speculate on how likely it is. The bone is being treated with great respect and has been interred in the modern-day Qixia Temple by Buddhist monks. 

Stone Chest Inscription

Discovered beneath the Grand Bao’en Temple, the stupa model — which is 117 centimeters tall and 45 cm wide (nearly 4 feet by 1.5 feet) — was stored within an iron box, which, in turn, was stored within a stone chest.

An inscription found within the stone chest was written by a man named Deming about 1,000 years ago, saying that he is “the Master of Perfect Enlightenment, Abbot of Chengtian Monastery [and] the Holder of the Purple Robe” (as translated by researchers in the journal article). He tells the story of how the Buddha’s parietal bone came to China. [Photos: 1,700-Year-Old Buddhist Sculptures Found in Shrine]

Deming wrote that after the Buddha “entered parinirvana” (a final death that breaks the cycle of death and rebirth), that his body “was cremated near the Hirannavati River” in India. The man who ruled India at the time, King Ashoka (reign 268-232 B.C.), decided to preserve the Buddha’s remains, which he “divided into a total of 84,000 shares,” Deming wrote. “Our land of China received 19 of them,” including the parietal bone, he added.

The parietal bone was kept in a temple that was destroyed about 1,400 years ago during a series of wars, Deming wrote. “The foundation ruins … were scattered in the weeds,” Deming wrote. “In this time of turbulence, did no one care for Buddhist affairs?”

Emperor Zhenzong agreed to rebuild the temple and have the Buddha’s parietal bone, and the remains of other Buddhist saints, buried in an underground crypt at the temple, according to Deming’s inscriptions. They were interred on July 21, 1011 A.D., in “a most solemn and elaborate burial ceremony,” Deming wrote.

Deming praised the emperor for rebuilding the temple and burying the Buddha’s remains, wishing the emperor a long life, loyal ministers and numerous grandchildren: “May the Heir Apparent and the imperial princes be blessed and prosperous with 10,000 offspring; may Civil and Military Ministers of the Court be loyal and patriotic; may the three armed forces and citizens enjoy a happy and peaceful time …”

Buddha Burial

The parietal bone of the Buddha was buried within an inner casket made of gold, which, in turn, was placed in an outer casket made of silver, according to the archaeologists. The silver casket was then placed inside the model of the stupa.

Photo courtesy of Chinese Cultural Relics
A skull bone of the Buddha was found inside this gold casket, which was stored in a silver casket within the stupa model, found in a crypt beneath a Buddhist temple.

The gold and silver caskets were decorated with images of lotus patterns, phoenix birds and gods guarding the caskets with swords. The outer casket also has images of spirits called apsaras that are shown playing musical instruments.

The parietal bone of the Buddha was placed within the gold inner casket along with three crystal bottles and a silver box, all of which contain the remains of other Buddhist saints.

Engraved on the outside of the model are several images of the Buddha, along with scenes depicting stories from the Buddha’s life, from his birth to the point when he reached “parinirvana,” a death from which the Buddha wasn’t reborn — something that freed him from a cycle of death and rebirth, according to the Buddhist religion.

Impact in China

A large team of archaeologists from the Nanjing Municipal Institute of Archaeology excavated the crypt between 2007 and 2010; they were supported by experts from other institutions in China.

Although the excavations received little coverage by Western media outlets, they were covered extensively in China. Chinese media outlets say that, after the parietal bone of the Buddha was removed, Buddhist monks interred the bone and the remains of the other Buddhist saints in Qixia Temple, a Buddhist temple used today. The Buddha’s parietal bone and other artifacts from the excavation were later displayed in Hong Kong and Macao.   

When the bone traveled to Macao in 2012, the media outlet Xinhua reported that “tens of thousands of Buddhist devotees will pay homage to the sacred relic,” and that “more than 140,000 tickets have been sold out by now, according to the [event organizer].”

An article detailing the discoveries was published in Chinese in 2015 in the journal Wenwu, before being translated and published in Chinese Cultural Relics.

Original article on Live Science.

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