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2020/11/24 19:36:26瀏覽246|回應0|推薦0


Texas Church Shooting 德克薩斯教堂槍擊案26人死亡

By 作者 LEAH MARIEANN KLETT 莉亞 · 瑪麗安 · 克萊特

A gunman in ‘full gear’ walked into First Baptist Church outside San Antonio, Texas, and opened fire, killing scores and wounding more than a dozen, including children. AP Photo 一名全副武裝的槍手走進德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧市外的第一浸信會教堂,開槍打死26人,打傷12人,其中包括兒童。美聯社圖片

After the mass shooting at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, which left 26 worshipers dead, a number of faith leaders took to social media to condemn the attack.


On Sunday, gunman Devin Kelley Sunday entered the sanctuary with a rifle, and began indiscriminately shooting, leaving dozens dead and at least 20 others wounded. At least eight of the people killed were members of one family, and a woman who was about five months pregnant and three of her children were killed.

周日,槍手德文 · 凱利(Devin Kelley)手持步槍進入聖堂,開始不分青紅皂白地射擊,造成數十人死亡,至少20人受傷。遇害者中至少有八人是一個家庭的成員,一名懷孕約五個月的婦女和她的三個孩子被殺害。

Annabelle Renee Pomeroy, the 14-year-old daughter of pastor Frank Pomeroy, was among the first victims to be identified. Pomeroy and his wife were out of town at the time of the shooting. The heartbroken father described his daughter to ABC News as "one very beautiful, special child." 

牧師弗蘭克 波默羅伊14歲的女兒安娜貝爾 波默羅伊是首批被確認身份的受害者之一。槍擊發生時,波默羅伊和他的妻子不在城裡。傷心欲絕的父親向美國廣播公司新聞頻道描述他的女兒為“一個非常漂亮,非常特別的孩子”

Kelley, 26, previously served in the U.S. Air Force and was court-martialed in 2012 for assaulting his wife and his child. He received a bad conduct discharge from the Air Force due to his actions and was confined for 12 months. On Monday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott revealed the killer had previously been denied a permit to carry a firearm.

現年26歲的凱利曾在美國空軍服役,2012年因襲擊妻子和孩子而受到軍事法庭審判。由於他的行為,他被空軍開除了軍籍,並被監禁了12個月。週一,德克薩斯州州長葛列格 · 阿伯特透露,兇手此前曾被拒許可持槍。

According to officials, Kelley was first shot by an armed resident who confronted the gunman outside the church and shot him. The suspect then turned the gun on himself, and was later found dead in his vehicle.


President Donald Trump called the shooting an "act of evil."


"We cannot put into words the pain and grief we all feel and we cannot begin to imagine the suffering of those who lost the ones they love," Trump said.

特朗普說: “我們無法用語言表達我們所有人的痛苦和悲傷,我們也無法想像那些失去所愛之人的痛苦。”。

On social media, a number of faith leaders expressed their shock and horror over the mass shooting.


Joel Osteen, whose Lakewood Church is also in Texas, tweeted

德克薩斯州萊克伍德教堂(Lakewood Church)的創始人喬爾•奧斯丁(Joel Osteen)在 twitter 上表示:

(Photo : Twitter) (圖片: Twitter)
Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen expressed his horror at the massacre. 
萊克伍德教堂的牧師喬爾 · 奧斯丁表達了他對大屠殺的恐懼


(Photo : Instagram) (圖片: Instagram)

Judah Smith shared his thoughts on Instagram 尤達 · 史密斯在 Instagram 上分享了他的想法

On Facebook, Harvest Church pastor Greg Laurie wrote:

在 Facebook 上,豐收教堂的牧師 Greg Laurie 寫道:

(Photo : Facebook) (圖片: Facebook)

Dr. James Dobson, founder and president of Family Talk, said: "Shirley and I are heartbroken by todays horrific church shooting. Words cannot express the sorrow we feel for the residents of this small Texas community that has been ripped apart by a truly heinous and senseless act. Tragically, as one pastor said when interviewed, this was a demonic act of wanton murder. Indeed it was."

“家庭談話”的創始人兼總裁詹姆斯 · 多布森博士說: “雪麗和我對今天發生的可怕的教堂槍擊事件感到心碎。言語無法表達我們對這個德克薩斯小社區居民的悲痛,這個社區被一個真正令人髮指和毫無意義的行為撕裂。悲慘的是,正如一位牧師在接受採訪時所說,這是惡魔般的肆意謀殺行為。的確如此。”

"There were many other personal tragedies within this small town, where most of the residents knew each other. I grew up in that part of Texas and I loved the humble families who lived in that part of the State," Dobson said.


"Now I ask people of faith to express their heart-felt prayers on behalf of those who are grieving. Psalm 34:18 is written for them: The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

“現在我請求有信仰的人們代表那些悲傷的人們表達他們衷心的祈禱。詩篇34:18是為他們寫的: 耶和華親近心碎的人,拯救心靈受壓的人

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