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做好人不需信教(上帝),一項新調查發現, 答案取決於富有的程度
2020/09/04 10:04:28瀏覽156|回應0|推薦0
做好人不需信教(上帝),一項新調查發現, 答案取決於富有的程度

Daniel Burke-Profile-Image1

By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor

作者: 丹尼爾 · 伯克,CNN 宗教編輯




例如,在肯亞這個全球人均國內生產總值最低的國家,95% 的人認為信仰上帝是一個人道德的必要條件

但在瑞典這個全球非常富裕的國家,只有9% 的人認為信神與良好的道德有關


研究報告的作者寫道: “這項調查中包括的新興經濟體的人們往往更加虔誠,更有可能認為宗教在他們的生活中很重要


皮尤的研究似乎支持了世俗化的論點: 隨著人民變得更加富有和受教育程度的提高,人民宗教信仰也會減少


在2002年,58% 的美國人認為信仰上帝是成為好人的必要條件。2019年,這一數字下滑只剩下44%



Indonesia:  印度尼西亞: 96%

The Philippines: 菲律賓: 96%

Kenya: 肯尼亞: 95%

Nigeria:  尼日利亞: 93%

Brazil, South Africa Tunisia:  巴西,南非,突尼斯: 84%


Sweden:  瑞典: 9%

Czech Republic: 1 捷克: 14%

France: 法國: 15%

United Kingdom: 英國: 20%

Netherlands/Spain: 荷蘭與西班牙: 22%

Can you be good without God? The answer may depend on how rich you are, a new survey finds

Daniel Burke-Profile-Image1

By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor

Updated 1232 GMT (2032 HKT) August 4, 2020更新於2020年8月4日格林尼治標準時間12:32(香港時間20:32)

(CNN)Educated people who live in rich countries are far less likely to say belief in God is necessary for good morals, according to a massive new survey of 38,000 people in 34 countries.

The survey, released Monday by the Pew Research Center, revealed a gaping "God gap" between relatively rich and poor countries. 

In Kenya, for example, the country with the lowest gross domestic product per capita in the survey, 95% of people said belief in God is necessary for a person to be moral. 

In Sweden, the richest country, just 9% of people connected God with good morals. (The survey did not break down respondents by religion.) 。

Even within countries, the rich and poor don't agree on God and morality, the survey said. 

In the United States, to take one example, there is a gap of 24 percentage points between high and low income Americans. The poor were much more likely to say belief in God is necessary to be good. 

"People in the emerging economies included in this survey tend to be more religious and more likely to consider religion to be important in their lives," wrote the authors of the study. 。”

Pew's study seems to lend weight to the secularization thesis: the idea that nations become less religious as their people get richer and more educated. 

For decades, the United States defied this theory by being both rich and religious. But even that is changing, according to a number of other studies. 

In 2002, 58% of Americans said belief in God is necessary to be good. In 2019, that number slipped to 44%. 

Still, nearly half of Americans say religion is very important to them儘管如此,仍有近半的美國人認為宗教對他們非常重要

Religion remains a powerful force in the life of people around the world, including the United States. A majority of people in 23 of the 34 countries survey said religion is "very" or "somewhat" important to them. In the United States nearly half -- 47% -- called it "very important." 

Muslim Americans take part in Friday prayers at the Dar Al Hijrah Islamic  in Falls Church, Virginia.

The countries most likely to connect God and goodness:最有可能將神與良善聯繫在一起的極端落後的國家:

Indonesia:  印度尼西亞: 96%

The Philippines: 菲律賓: 96%

Kenya: 肯尼亞: 95%

Nigeria:  尼日利亞: 93%

Brazil, South Africa Tunisia:  巴西,南非,突尼斯: 84%

The countries least likely to connect God and morality最不可能把神和道德綁架在一起的國家

Sweden:  瑞典: 9%

Czech Republic: 1 捷克: 14%

France: 法國: 15%

United Kingdom: 英國: 20%

Netherlands/Spain: 荷蘭與西班牙: 22%
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