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2020/03/14 03:07:11瀏覽257|回應0|推薦0
2020年1月18日,安德魯·霍爾(ANDREW HALL)
   一個來自梵蒂岡內部匿名人仕傳出的消息,這機密文件指出梵蒂岡正花費巨額金錢購買性愛機器人以供神父洩淫,這些機器人造型看起來像9歲左右小男孩。在未來十年中,梵蒂岡將花費約1.91億美元的資金,購買和分發給教區牧師洩慾用。梵蒂岡將這些機器人命名為“芭比 Bobby”。天主教高級官員希望芭比(Bobby)能夠防止神父再度性侵有血有肉的孩子。


著名的皮尤研究中心(Pew Research)在2019年6月報導說,美國人認為天主教會依然存在很大的問題:

皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的一項新調查發現,大約有十分之九的美國成年人(內中包括95%的天主教徒)至少聽說過一些有關天主教神父和主教,他們最近發生的性侵和做出不少不當行為的報導,絕大多數人說他們聽到了“很多事件”。


  ~可能拯救天主教會的性愛機器人(sxbot) 芭比~
卡納德機器人公司(Canard Robotics)首席執行官是安德魯·卡納德(Andrew Canard)。他致力於為公司生產人工智能性愛機器人予愛挑剔的消費者並因而感到自豪。他說:“如果您負擔不起我們的頂級型號,那麼您也另有很多其他的選擇


A civil rights group is forming to stop the abuse of child sexbots.
 Catholic Church sex abuse scandal takes a bizarre turn.
An anonymous source within the Vatican leaked confidential documents revealing an enormous expenditure on sex robots that are supposed to look like male children. Over the next ten years, an equivalent to 191 million US dollars is dedicated to the purchasing and distribution of child-sized male robots to parish priests. The Vatican named these bots “Bobby.” It’s hoped by high Catholic officials Bobby will prevent priests from molesting flesh and blood children.
The Church Still Has A Pedophile Priest Problem
Even though the Catholic Church paid millions in damages to victims of pedophile priests and promised zero tolerance for pedophile priests, child abuse is an ongoing issue for the institution.
Pew Research reported in June 2019 Americans believe the Catholic Church still has a big problem:
Americans are paying attention. A new Pew Research Center survey finds that about nine-in-ten U.S. adults – including 95% of Catholics – have heard at least “a little” about recent reports of sexual abuse and misconduct by Catholic priests and bishops, including a clear majority who say they have heard “a lot.” And, overall, about eight-in-ten U.S. adults say the recent reports of sexual abuse and misconduct by Catholic priests and bishops reflect “ongoing problems that are still happening” in the church. Far fewer (12%) think the recent reports reflect “things that happened in the past and mostly don’t happen anymore.”
Many within the Church believed it was either repeal the requirement for priests to be celibate or to provide men of the cloth with underage sexbots.
The choice was clear.
Bobby, The Sexbot Who May Save The Catholic Church
Canard Robotics designed Bobby. The CEO of Canard Robotics is Andrew Canard. He’s proud of his company’s dedication to making artificially intelligent sex toys for picky consumers. “If you can’t afford one of our top models, then there are many options you can choose from,” he stated. “For example, many users are happy with our artificially intelligent dildos who will do your taxes while offering sensual pleasure.”
Sources say Bobby the sexbot is the approximate height of an average 9-year-old American boy (53 inches). Bobbies will be considerably heavier than their real-life counterparts. Cardinals and bishops believe the weight difference shouldn’t be an issue with the end-users.
The Catholic Church is bracing for a new wave of protest in the wake of these new revelations. What it’s not worried about is getting sued by any of the Bobbies. Each and every robot has signed a 7-page contract absolving the Church of any wrongdoing.
In related news, Iceland is fining people $36 for saying evolution isn’t true.
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