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“You Know Me Better Than I Know Myself ( You and I were there)”
2011/11/30 11:17:30瀏覽296|回應2|推薦21
“You Know Me Better Than I Know Myself (You and I were there)"

A Dedication to All Gifted Writers At The UDN Universe

You know me better than I know myself,
you might say, …
a silence in between
somehow thru the silence, I heard the whispers
may be
may be not

when a light is lit in the dark
and astronomers go out and look for the stars in the sky
like the priests in the ancient ceremonies
praying for the guidance of gods
you’re the brightest one
that even three wise men[*1] couldn’t go astray

Wish we could talk more
But busy is the live we all live

one day you’ll know
that it wasn’t all me alone in this…
who taught myself of all the knowledge
setting my thoughts on fire about your poems and writings

it started at the beginning of Time
when the World is created with nothing

and the first group of men and women was made
as brothers and sisters
by the Spirit of Words

you and I were there
as were Lee Bai[*2] and Homer[*3]

to this day I could just barely recall it,
all the heavenly stars were under us then …

Nov-29-2011, 1st draft, Pagesound, Las Vegas, (c) 2011 Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Pagesound.

[*1 Three wise men]: From the Bible, the three fortunetellers or scholars who found the brightest star in the east, and followed it until they found Jesus.

[*2 Lee Bai] Considered the most well know and revered famous ancient poet in Tang Dynasty of Eastern classical tradition history

[*3 Homer] : In the Western classical tradition Homer is the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, and is revered as the greatest ancient Greek epic poet.
( 創作詩詞 )
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2011/12/06 13:40

一時   "無法度"   參透

三秋若逝  仍依舊…



                小燕子 問安來

紙聲 Pagesound(Pagesound) 於 2011-12-07 12:53 回覆:
「 ...」 ... 紙聲答應賢妹, 得空時立即譯出. 祝好! -- 紙聲 敬覆

來請教~~英文詩係供蝦米 :p
2011/12/01 00:11

少小不讀書 老大徒傷悲~~雖然只有2~2~2~2~2~28

(我得先把那枇杷膏攪和菱角散 先服下幾匙再說!)



這回不敢來亂,是說真話哪! ~~期盼哪!

                                                                          祝夜安  好夢哦~~小燕子

紙聲 Pagesound(Pagesound) 於 2011-12-01 10:27 回覆:
Dear "little swallow's feeling", don't worry, someday you'll get it all. -- Ps.