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澳洲紅星〔海倫芮迪〕──抒情榜亞軍佳作──恬美的〔Somewhere In The Night〕
2009/09/25 15:14:55瀏覽85|回應0|推薦1

澳洲紅星〔海倫芮迪〕──抒情榜亞軍佳作──恬美的〔Somewhere In The Night


Time, you found time enough to love

I found love enough to hold you
Tonight Ill stir the fire you feel inside
Until the flames of love enfold you
Layin beside you lost in the feeling
So glad you opened my door, come with me
Somewhere in the night we will know
Everything lovers should know
Youre my song, music too magic to end
Ill play you over and over again
Loving so warm, moving so right
Closin our eyes and feeling alive
Well just go on burning bright
Somewhere in the night

Youll sleep when the mornin comes
And Ill lie and watch you sleeping
And youll smile when you dream about the night
Like its a secret youve been keeping
Layin beside you lost in the feeling
So glad you opened my door
Come with me.
Somewhere in the night we will know
Everything lovers can know
Youre my song, music too magic to end
Ill play you over and over again
Loving so warm, moving so right
Closing our eyes and feeling alive
Well just go on burning bright
Somewhere in the night

Loving so warm, moving so right
Closing our eyes and feeling alive
Well just go on burning bright
Somewhere in the night
Somewhere in the night


海倫芮迪(Henlen Reddy)是澳洲藝人中少數能在美國影視歌三棲的藝人
由於她的音樂以清新柔和 恬靜雋永擅長

1975年 海倫發行〔No Way To Treat A Lady

拿到美國#11 成為一張金唱片

芮迪在發行兩首成績不錯的單曲後 秋天再推出第三主打〔Somewhere In The Night

此曲是著名詞曲家Richard KerrWill Jennings



Somewhere In The Night〕也是一首旋律柔美 頗為耐聽的抒情曲
在悠揚的鋼琴伴奏下 芮迪循序漸進的演繹出這首感人的流行佳作
70年代音樂的編曲仍相當簡單 不常使用電子合成樂器
此曲在美國流行榜得到#19 成人抒情榜亞軍

Somewhere In The Night〕後來又被美國著名歌手巴瑞曼尼洛(Barry Manillow)翻唱成流行榜#9的暢銷曲

不過個人蠻偏愛Helen版的〔Somewhere In The Night
不曉得是否後來有人翻唱過 總覺得旋律有點似曾相識

Anyway, 這是一首抒情佳作 推薦給各位   



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( 休閒生活音樂 )
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