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義大利創作歌手[Savage/野蠻人]──合行流行/義大利迪斯可──[Only You/只有你]
2021/12/11 00:15:15瀏覽420|回應0|推薦9

義大利創作歌手[Savage/野蠻人]──合行流行/義大利迪斯可──[Only You/只有你]



Only you,

When I really got nothing to do,

Cant be true.


Only you,

When Im looking for somebody new,

Youre the clue.


Only change my mind,

When I feel so blind,

Then you make me see,

Love is free.


Only you,

When I look at your eyes in the blue,

Love me too.


Only you,

When your teardrops are lit by the moon,

Laugh too soon.


Only change my mind,

When I feel so blind,

Then you make me see,

Love is free.


Dont push me aside, my loves alive,

Dont leave me to die, you will survive,

You hold me so tight, turn off the light,

It all seems so right.


Only you,

When I really got nothing to do,

Cant be true.


Only you,

When I look at your eyes in the blue,

Love me too.


Only change my mind,

When I feel so blind,

Then you make me see,

Love is free.


Dont push me aside, my loves alive,

Dont leave me to die, you will survive,

You hold me so tight, turn off the light,

It all seems so right.


Dont push me aside, my loves alive,

Dont leave me to die, you will survive,

You hold me so tight, turn off the light,

It all seems so right.


Dont push me aside, my loves alive,

Dont leave me to die, you will survive,

You hold me so tight, turn off the light,

It all seems so right.




1983年 27歲的義大利著名歌手/音樂製作人/詞曲家‘Savage/野蠻人’以第三單曲[Dont Cry Tonight/今晚別哭](Discomagic Records出版)走紅歐洲。


1984年, Savage推出第二單曲[Only You/只有你]

仍由Roberto Zanetti譜寫, RobyxRoberto Zanetti)編曲/製作成一首合行流行/義大利迪斯可

節奏輕快, 但編曲帶有些微惆悵感, 跟[Dont Cry Tonight/今晚別哭]有異曲同工之妙。

Only You/只有你]再度於歐洲受到歡迎, 成為Savage另一首國際熱門曲, 鞏固他在樂壇地位。









Only You (12 Version)



Only You (Remix)



Live Discoteka 80 Moscow 2015




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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