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美國實力歌手[彼得塞特拉]&靈魂樂歌姬[夏卡康]──[Feels Like Heaven]
2021/06/22 00:04:33瀏覽421|回應0|推薦8

美國實力歌手[彼得塞特拉]&非裔靈魂樂歌姬[夏卡康]──軟式搖滾抒情曲──[Feels Like Heaven/感覺彷彿在天堂]



All through my wandering years

I always said I was biding my time

But alone in the dark Id face my fears

That no other heart would come to mine

At first when you found me

It took me a while til I realized

Why I felt weak when you were around me

Why I couldnt speak when I looked in your eyes

All this time Ive been searching

Until you, I was lost in my dreams

And I never knew that love could feel like heaven

Watching over me

Oh wherever you go

Invisible hands reach over the miles

For every wish you make to the stars

Theres one silent kiss I send to the sky

All this time Ive been searching

Until you I was lost in my dreams

And I never knew that love could feel like heaven

Watching over me

Everything has changed

Since you came my way

Cause you put the color

In a world of grey

And you make the love

That carries me away

All this time Ive been searching

Until you I was lost in my dreams

And I never knew that love could feel like heaven

Watching over me

Feels like heaven

Watching over me


1992年7月, 44歲半的美國創作實力歌手彼得塞特拉發行睽違四年的第四張個人大碟[World Falling Down/墜落的世界](Warner Bros,

由他,英國的 Andy Hill,以及加拿大的大衛佛斯特(David Foster)製作, 但樂評普通。


首支單曲[Restless Heart/不安的心]登上Billboard單曲榜#35, 副榜--成人當代榜冠軍(第五次)


第二主打[Feels Like Heaven/感覺彷彿在天堂], 邀請非裔靈魂樂歌姬夏卡康(Chaka Khan)合唱

Mark Goldenberg, Kit Hain創作

彼得與Andy Hill將其製作成一首軟式搖滾抒情曲, 旋律悅耳,

塞特拉清亮嗓音與康高亢的靈魂女聲盡情揮灑, 交支出這首動人的抒情佳作。

Feels Like Heaven]登上Billboard單曲榜#71, 副榜--成人當代榜#5


由於兩首單曲在美國成績不理想, 導致[World Falling Down]只升到Billboard專輯榜#163, 銷售失望。

之後塞特拉離開華納, 與獨立小廠牌River North Records簽約,














( 休閒生活音樂 )
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