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美國歌壇巨星[芭芭拉史翠珊]─[我愛紅娘]插曲─[Before the Parade Passes By]
2021/01/28 12:09:46瀏覽449|回應0|推薦9

美國歌壇巨星[芭芭拉史翠珊]──歌舞片[我愛紅娘]主題曲──音樂劇名曲──[Before the Parade Passes By/在遊行過去前]



Before it goes on

And only Im left

Before the parade passes by

Ive gotta get in step while theres still time left

Im ready to move out in front

Life without life has no reason or rhyme left

With the rest of them

With the best of them

I wanna hold my head up high

I need a goal again

I need a drive again

I wanna feel my heart coming alive again

Before the parade passes by

Before the parade passes by

Ive gotta go and taste Saturdays high life

Before the parade passes by

Ive gotta get some life back into my life

Im ready to move out in front

Ive had enough of just passing by life

With the rest of them

With the best of them

I can hold my head up high

For Ive got a goal again

Ive got a drive again

I wanna feel my heart coming alive again

Before the parade passes by

When the parade passes by

Listen and hear that brass harmony growing

When the parade passes by

Pardon me if my old spirit is showing

All of those lights over there

Seem to be telling me where Im going

When the whistles blow

And the cymbals crash

And the sparklers light the sky

Im gonna raise the roof

Im gonna carry on

Give me an old trombone

Give me an old baton

Before the parade passes by!



1964年1月, 美國劇作家Jerry Herman創作的愛情喜劇音樂劇[Hello, Dolly!(,桃莉!)我愛紅娘]在紐約百老匯上映, 由卡洛錢寧(Carol Channing)主演,


票房大賣, 連映2,844場

並獲得10項東尼獎, 創下當時最高紀錄

音樂劇原聲帶專輯登上Billboard專輯榜冠軍, 為1965年最熱門大碟。


1969年末, [Hello, Dolly!/我愛紅娘]由20th Century Fox公司搬上銀幕

由剛以歌舞片[Funny Girl/俏女郎]走紅,拿到奧斯卡女主角的歌壇巨星芭芭拉.史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)擔任女主角 導演並請來一代歌舞片巨星金凱利(Gene Kelly)擔綱

只是影評好壞參半,票房也不如預期, 成本2600萬美元, 美國總票房3320萬美元, 電影公司回收1520萬,



電影原聲帶(20th Century Fox Records出版)由史翠珊主導, 搭配其他表演者

由Lennie Hayton, Lionel Newman音樂指揮,

樂評良好, 商業表現也無法跟音樂劇版原聲帶相提並論

只登上美國Billboard專輯榜#49  英國榜#45


首支主打[Before the Parade Passes By/在遊行過去前]在1969年12月發行

此曲由Jerry Herman譜寫, Peter Matz編曲/指揮

Wally Gold製作成一首傳統流行/音樂劇歌曲, 前半部溫柔抒情, 後半部轉變樂風, 成為進行曲。

[Before the Parade Passes By]並沒打入美國Billboard單曲榜, 但打入副榜──Easy Listening榜#23, 以及加拿大副榜──Easy Listening榜#25

這是[Hello, Dolly!/我愛紅娘]唯一入榜的單曲。









Filming "Before The Parade Passes By"





( 休閒生活音樂 )
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