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英國蘇格蘭歌姬[席娜伊斯頓]──舞曲-流行曲──[Too Much in Love]
2020/12/02 00:02:38瀏覽470|回應0|推薦8

英國蘇格蘭歌姬[席娜伊斯頓]──舞曲-流行曲──[Too Much in Love

You must be happy, you look wonderful, never seen you look so fine

Ive heard all about her, youre mad about her

You talk about her all the time

You say you love her, shes given you everything youll ever need

Though I still adore you, Im happy for you

I know that its too late for me

The only love I ever wanted is gone forever, I can never put my world together

So much in love, I know youll never come back to me

Whoa, love doesnt come to you every minute

If you hold back, someone else will win it

If you gotta love, put your heart right in it, never set it free

So think it over, and youll understand

Im not tryin to change your mind

Know shell never love you the way I love you

Boy dont miss your chance this time

The only love I ever wanted is gone forever, I can never put my world together

So much in love, I know youll never come back to me

Whoa, love doesnt come to you every minute

If you hold back, someone else will win it

If you gotta love, put your heart right in it, never set it free

So think it over, and youll understand

Im not tryin to change your mind

Know shell never love you the way I love you

Boy dont miss your chance this time

The only love I ever wanted is gone forever, I can never put my world together

So much in love, I know youll never come back to me

Whoa, love doesnt come to you every minute

If you hold back, someone else will win it

If you gotta love, put your heart right in it, never set it free

So think it over, and youll understand

Im not tryin to change your mind

Know shell never love you the way I love you

Boy dont miss your chance this time


1995年,英國蘇格蘭歌姬席娜.伊斯頓(Sheena Easton)發行第12張專輯〔My Cherie〕(MCA出版)

製作群包括Christopher Neil, Ric Wake, Narada Michael Walden, Denny Diante, David Foster, Glen Ballard, Humberto Gatica



同名歌曲為首支主打, 但未入榜。

第二單曲[Too Much in Love, 在日本發行。

Glen Ballard, Clif Magness譜寫, Glen Ballard製作成一首舞曲-流行曲,

旋律悅耳, 在中板的節奏中, 席娜的演繹甜美。

只是此時伊斯頓聲勢明顯下滑, Too Much in Love]亦沒入榜.

單曲的失敗讓〔My Cherie〕大碟銷售淒慘, 成席娜另一張少未人知的遺珠。







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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