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英國-澳洲歌壇天后[奧莉薇亞紐頓-強]──鄉村流行曲──[Every Face Tells a Story]
2020/10/11 00:02:09瀏覽446|回應0|推薦11

英國/澳洲歌壇天后[奧莉薇亞.紐頓-強]──鄉村流行曲──[Every Face Tells a Story/每張臉訴說一個故事]



Theres no need for you to tell me

I can see the way you feel

I just know without you saying

What is a lie and whats real

Every face tells a story

Its hard to hide a lie

Every face tells a story

And yours is saying goodbye

Somethings going on, and I know it

You cant keep it from me

Your smile cannot hide what you feel inside

And I dont like what I see

Every face tells a story

Its hard to hide a lie

Every face tells a story

And yours is saying goodbye

Youre always telling stories

Youre always telling me lies

Youre always telling stories

If you want to leave me, leave me

No good living a lie

You can pretend that were not gonna end

But your eyes are saying goodbye

Every face tells a story

Its hard to hide a lie

Every face tells a story

And yours is saying goodbye

Youre always telling stories

Youre always telling me lies

Youre always telling stories

Tell me, I got a right to know

Pour your little heart out to me, baby

You know, you know I dont want to let go

Every face tells a story

Its hard to hide a lie

Every face tells a story

And yours is saying goodbye


1976年10月 28歲的澳洲/英國籍的鄉村樂玉女巨星奧莉薇亞紐頓-強(Olivia Newton-John)發行大碟[Don’t Stop Believin’/別停止相信]

這是她首張在納許維爾錄製的專輯 仍由John Farr製作

延續上張專輯曲風, 只是樂評普通

大碟登上美國流行專輯榜#30(副榜-鄉村專輯榜#7) 取得金唱片(50萬張+) 

加拿大#56 金唱片(5萬張+) 

澳洲#88 英國沒入榜 歐美反應不如預期

日本則延續其高人氣, 拿到#3(榜上銷售13.4萬張)


首支主打[Don’t Stop Believin’]拿到澳洲#93 美國單曲榜#33 

1976年11月, 奧莉薇亞推出第二主打 

由Peter Sills+Michael Allison譜寫, 原本是首宗教歌曲, 由英國貓王克利夫理察(Cliff Richard)灌錄

後來Don Black重寫歌詞, 交由紐頓-強灌錄

John Farr將其製作成一首鄉村流行曲 節拍輕快, 奧莉薇亞嗓音有力

[Every Face Tells a Story/每張臉訴說一個故事]拿到美國單曲榜#55 副榜-鄉村榜#21

Easy Listening榜#6

加拿大單曲榜#58 加拿大鄉村榜冠軍

克利夫理察的版本直到1977年7月才發行, 收在其大碟[Every Face Tells a Story]中








1976.11.12 • The Tonight Show






( 休閒生活音樂 )
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