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美國迪斯可女王[唐娜桑瑪]──合成流行/舞曲──[Supernatural Love/超自然之愛]
2020/09/29 00:21:18瀏覽334|回應0|推薦7

美國迪斯可女王[唐娜桑瑪]──合成流行/舞曲──[Supernatural Love/超自然之愛]



We were strangers

Who one were lovers

Weve been everlasting friends

I was shattered

When you walked out, boy

I was walking off the edge

Friends, said i looked so down-hearted

When you left

Now my broken heart is stable

Im starting to mend

Got you back and Im living again

Oh, this must be love

That sets my soul on fire

A supernatural love

(this must be)

That makes my flame burn higher

A supernatural love

Life was only tear drops falling down

From my eyes

Now my broken heart is stable

Oh, Im coming alive

I cant fight what Im feeling inside

This must be love

That sets my soul on fire

A supernatural love

(oh, this must be)

That makes my flame burn higher

A supernatural love

That gets me so excited

A supernatural love

(oh, this must be)

That makes us true survivors

A supernatural love

Friends, said i looked so down-hearted

When, when you left

Now my broken heart is stable

Im starting to mend

Got you back and Im living again

Oh, this must be love

That sets my soul on fire

A supernatural love

(oh, this must be)

That makes my flame burn higher

A supernatural love

That gets me so excited

A supernatural love

(oh, this must be)

That makes us true survivors

A supernatural love



1980年 美國迪斯可女王唐娜桑瑪(Donna Summer)跳槽Geffen唱片

發行兩張專輯  雖然成績不錯, 但與70年代的迪斯可風光時期已無法相提並論

由於法律訴訟 桑瑪仍欠前東家卡薩布蘭卡唱片一張片約

於是1983年 她與製作人Michael Omartian合作大碟[She Works Hard for the Money] (卡薩布蘭卡唱片已被寶麗金集團收購, 後者安排在旗下的Mercury唱片發行), 以完成合約義務


因此當桑瑪回到Geffen籌備下張大碟時, Michael Omartian被要求繼續掌舵


1984年9月 35歲半的唐娜推出第十二張專輯[Cats Without Claws/無爪貓]

歌曲主要由她跟Michael Omartian創作

首支主打[There Goes My Baby]只拿到Billboard單曲榜#21


1984年10月, 唐娜推出第二單曲[Supernatural Love/超自然之愛]

由她, Bruce Sudano &Michael Omartian三人合寫

Omartian製作成一首合成流行/舞曲, 節拍輕快

MV由桑瑪與丈夫Bruce Sudano合作, 兩人原是石器時代情侶, 但男子被邪惡女巫綁架到1980年代, 唐娜跟隨到現代以拯救愛人

Supernatural Love]登上Billboard單曲榜#75 

副榜-舞曲榜#39 黑人榜#51

兩首單曲表現不如以往, 連帶大碟也只升到Billboard專輯榜#40 至今在美賣出30萬張, 也是唐娜成名以來最低銷售

此後桑瑪的事業便明顯走下坡, 直到1980年代末的東山再起













France 1984



Original 12" Mix




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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