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美國實力歌姬[貝蒂蜜勒]─流行抒情曲─[That's How Love Moves/愛就是這樣移動的]
2020/08/17 12:46:09瀏覽348|回應0|推薦8

美國實力歌姬[貝蒂蜜勒]──成人流行抒情曲──[Thats How Love Moves/愛就是這樣移動的]


Its such a mystery

How she found something in me

That I never knew was there

But she uncovered it so easily

She turned me like a season

And I began to change

She wrapped herself around me

Now Ill never be the same

Thats how love works

Thats how love moves

Like a river

Running through you

Sometimes it lifts you as high as heaven

It consumes you

But, thats a given

Thats how love moves

Ive seen walls that could never be broken

Come tumbling down

Ive heard the voice of love

Calling without making a sound

See I was touched by an angel

The day she took my hand

You know shes the miracle

That makes me everything that I am

Sometimes its just a whisper

Sometimes its a storm

Sometimes it reaches forever

With its everlasting arms

Thats how love works

Thats how love moves

Like a river

Running through you

Sometimes it lifts you as high as heaven

It consumes you

But, thats a given

Thats how love moves




1998年9月 53歲半的美國藝人貝蒂蜜勒(Bette Midler)發行第九張錄音室大碟〔Bathhouse Betty/澡堂貝蒂〕(Warner Bros.出版)

這是她結束與Atlantic Records關係 跳槽同屬華納音樂集團的姐妹公司Warner Bros.後首張專輯

邀來多組音樂人共襄盛舉:長期製作人Arif Mardin, David Foster, Ted Templeman, Brock Walsh, Marc Shaiman, Chuckii Booker

專輯名稱乃向早期她在同同志澡堂表演的經歷致意 這讓她成為同志偶像, 並終生支持LGBT運動

雖然評價不佳 但大碟登上美國Billboard專輯榜#50 並拿到金唱片(50萬張)


首支實質單曲為配合大碟發行的[My One True Friend/我的真朋友]

不過技術上首支主打則是[Thats How Love Moves/愛就是這樣移動的]

此曲在1996年於德國單獨推出, 距離專輯出版幾近兩年時間, 因此平常並沒計入正式實質單曲

雖然1998年歐洲再度發行, 也無太大迴響

[Thats How Love Moves]作者為Jennifer Kimball, Ty Lacy, Fitzgerald Scott

土耳其/美國製作人Arif Mardin將其製作成一首成人流行抒情曲

在緩曳的節拍間, 貝蒂以溫暖和煦的嗓音演繹此曲, 副歌與合聲搭配類似兩部合唱

由於[Thats How Love Moves]只做為宣傳單曲, 沒打入排行榜,少為人知

不過就跟蜜勒其它單曲一樣, 大部份都是耐聽佳作




Wetten Daas 1998



performed on OPRAH







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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