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加拿大冷豔搖滾女將[阿蘭娜麥爾絲]──流行搖滾曲──[Bad 4 You/對你不好]
2020/08/22 00:06:36瀏覽489|回應0|推薦10

加拿大冷豔搖滾女將[阿蘭娜麥爾絲]──流行搖滾曲──[Bad 4 You/對你不好]

You think you know all about me

Cause you spent the night, ha,

Yeah right, not quite

You think youre the one to tame me

Im your mothers worse nightmare

An out of control freak

Just wait and see

Im bad for you, Ill hurt your pride

Ill put a whole in your heart ten foot wide

I make you feel like you wanna die

Even Id run from me if I could

Im bad for you

And thats good

Im a killer with a conscience

So Im warning you watch what you do

Think before you try my patience

Im an emotional time bomb

A virtual melt down

Yes its true

Im bad for you Ill hurt your pride

Ill put a whole in your heart ten foot wide

I make you feel like you wanna die

Even Id run from me if I could

Im bad for you, Im bad for you

And thats good

You know I got a good side too

And I could do some good for you

But Im bad for you Ill skin your hide

What your left with you wont recognize

If you run away now youd be wise

Even Id run from me if I could

Im bad for you Ill hurt your pride

Ill put a whole in your heart ten foot wide

I make you feel like you wanna die

Even Id run from me if I could

Im bad for you, Im bad for you,

Im bad for you, Im bad for you

And thats good


1997年, 在出完三張專輯後 加拿大冷豔搖滾女歌手阿蘭娜麥爾絲(Alannah Myles)結束她與Atlantic唱片簽下的八張唱片合約

經紀人Miles Copeland III隨即把她簽入自己運營的美國公司 Ark 21 Records.

這一年, 麥爾絲推出第四張大碟[Arival/抵達](Ark 21 RecordsUniversal Music

由阿蘭娜與Michael Borkosky製作

專輯結構完善, 歌詞更內斂, 樂評良好

只是此時阿蘭娜聲勢下滑 [Arival]只登上加拿大專輯榜#40 銷售不佳, 成為她最後一張打入排行榜的錄音室專輯


大碟唯一單曲為[Bad 4 You/對你不好]

由阿蘭娜, Eric Bazilian 與著名詞曲家 Desmond Child 譜寫 被製作成一首流行搖滾

旋律討好, 在強勁的節拍間, 麥爾絲展現其沙啞嗓音的爆發力

Bad 4 You]打入加拿大單曲榜#45 為到目前為止其最後一首入榜單曲

此後阿蘭娜的事業持續下降, 直到2009年才推出第五張錄音室專輯











( 休閒生活音樂 )
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