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美國歌壇天后[惠妮休斯頓]&[黛博拉考克絲]──[Same Script, Different Cast]
2020/05/13 00:17:24瀏覽355|回應0|推薦13

美國歌壇天后[惠妮休斯頓]&加拿大歌姬[黛博拉考克絲]──R&B/靈魂曲──[Same Script, Different Cast/一樣的劇本, 不一樣的卡司]



Um? Hey Deb.

Mmm hmm?

Thank you for being woman enough to come.

Whitney, whats this about?

I know hes leaving me for you.

Who said that? Who told you that its true?

What is he tellin you?

Could it be the same things that he told me?

He told me that he loved me.

I heard that.

He told me I was (harmony) beautiful. How did you know? How did you know?

Because I played that scene before.

This is a retake of my life.

I was his star for many nights.

Now the roles have changed,

And youre the leading lady in his life.

Lights, camera, now youre on.

Just remember youve been warned.

Enjoy it now, cause it wont last.

Same script, different cast.

What youre saying could be true.

But how can I take advice from you?

Im not hating,

But I wish the one before me

Would have warned me too babe.

Dont say no more. La La La La La La La La La

Uncover your ears, girl.

Im not listening. La La La La La La La La La

But I know you hear me.

Maybe my reasons are wrong,

But I know that you believe me.

Its your fault you didnt love him enough.

Thats the problem.

I loved him too much.

And when you love him

He becomes unattracted to you.

Oh no, hes changed and Ill prove you wrong.

No you wont.

So go away. Leave us the hell alone! He loves me.

Hell hurt you.

Hell stay with me.

Hell leave you.

For sure! For sure!

This is a retake of my life.

You were his star for many nights.

But now the roles have changed.

Im the leading lady in his life.

Lights, camera, now youre on.

Just remember youve been warned.

Enjoy it now, cause this will last.

Im the future, youre his past.

This is a retake of my life.

I was his star for many nights.

Now the roles have changed,

And youre the leading lady in his life.

Lights, camera, now youre on.

Just remember youve been warned.

Enjoy it now.

Enjoy just now.

It wont last.

I know it will last.

Same script, different cast.




2000年5月 將屆37歲的美國黑人天后惠妮休斯頓(Whitney Houston)發行出道16年來首五張正式精選輯[Whitney: The Greatest Hits

大碟分兩張CD:一張收錄抒情曲 一張則是快板歌曲

由於後者多是混音而非原版 導致樂評好壞兩極

但銷售亮眼 登上美國榜#5(2000年終#812012年終#182015年終#133) 至今賣出250萬套+(認證500萬片/5白金)

英國榜冠軍(2000年終#10) 五白金(177萬套+) 

法國榜亞軍 2金(41萬套+)  德國榜亞軍 白金(30萬套+)

日本#3 3白金(75萬套+)

澳大利亞#3 2白金(14萬套+)



2012年惠妮驟世後 再度全球暢銷 

又賣出一百多萬張 名列當年IFPI全球最暢銷專輯#32

美國則衝到Billboard專輯榜亞軍 至今累計260萬套+ 因是兩片CD 所以認證加倍 拿到5白金

UK#7 , France#9, Aus#3



2000年10月, 37歲的惠妮推出第三主打[Same Script, Different Cast/一樣的劇本, 不一樣的卡司]

由她與26歲的加拿大非裔歌姬黛博拉考克絲(Deborah Cox)合唱

此曲由Shae JonesShep CrawfordMontell Jordan譜寫

Shep Crawford製作成一首R&B/靈魂曲

開頭並把德國樂聖貝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven)的鋼琴獨奏名曲[Für Elise/給愛麗絲]融入開頭

在柔慢的節奏間, 惠妮與黛博拉在歌曲扮演同一個花心男人的先後女友

休斯頓以前輩姿態忠告考克絲要小心男人玩弄女人的心, 但後者拒絕相信

被形容成布蘭蒂(Brandy)與莫妮卡(Monica)的對唱經典["The Boy Is Mine]的成人版



Same Script, Different Cast]只以宣傳主打推出, 沒有拍攝MV, 也無宣傳活動

因此反應冷淡, 只登上美國Billboard單曲榜#70

副榜-R&B榜#14(2000年終#70, 舞曲榜#4











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