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美國落腮鬍創作歌手[肯尼羅根斯]──鋼琴流行/聖誕抒情曲──[Celebrate Me Home]
2020/02/09 12:06:36瀏覽378|回應0|推薦8

美國落腮鬍創作歌手[肯尼羅根斯]──鋼琴流行/聖誕抒情曲──[Celebrate Me Home/慶祝我回家]


Bob James / Kenneth Clark Loggins

Home for the holidays,

I believe Ive missed each and every face,

Come on and play my music,

Lets turn on the love light in the place

Its time I found myself,

Totally surrounded in your circles

Whoa, my friends

Please, celebrate me home,

Give me a number,

Please, celebrate me home

Play me one more song,

That Ill always remember,

And I can recall,

Whenever I find myself too all alone,

I can sing me home.

Uneasy highway,

Traveling where the Westerly winds can fly,

Somebody tried to tell me,

But the men forgot to tell me why,

I gotta count on being gone,

Come on woman, come on daddy,

Be what you want from me,

Im this strong, Ill be weak

Please, celebrate me home,

Give me a number,

Please, celebrate me home

Play me one more song,

That Ill always remember,

I can recall,

Whenever I find myself too all alone,

I can make believe Ive never gone,

I never know where I belong,

Sing me home.

Please, celebrate me home,

Give me a number,

Please, celebrate me home

Play me one more song,

Celebrate, celebrate

Celebrate, celebrate

Celebrate, celebrate

Celebrate me home

Please, celebrate me home,

Please, celebrate me home,

Well Im finally here,

But Im bound to roam,

Come on celebrate me home

Well Im finally here,

But Im bound to roam,

Come on celebrate me home

Well Im finally here,

But Im bound to roam,

Come on celebrate me home

Please, celebrate me home,

Please, celebrate me home,

Please, celebrate me home,

Please, celebrate me home,

Please, celebrate me home,

Please, celebrate me home,


肯尼羅根斯(Kenny Loggins)是美國流行/搖滾創作歌手


1948年1月出生於華盛頓州埃弗里特市, 原名Kenneth Clark Loggins


1966年高中畢業後, 成立樂團, 發表過三首單曲(Viva Records出版), 雖不成功


1970年肯尼與曾是樂團Poco 以及 Buffalo Springfield成員, 當時在在哥倫比亞唱片擔任獨立製作人的創作音樂工作者吉姆馬西納(Jim Messina)相識

當哥倫比亞唱片與羅根斯簽下六個月合約時, 馬西納擔任其製作人

原本吉姆只想把肯尼介紹給以前Poco 以及 Buffalo Springfield的聽眾

但他在專輯貢獻過多:製作, 詞曲創作,編曲, 樂器, 歌聲, 結果一個音樂雙人組就意外誕生, 專輯定名為[Kenny Loggins with Jim Messina Sittin In.

一開始大碟無人注意, 肯尼羅根斯與吉姆馬西納持續在大學巡迴表演, 反應頗佳, 觀眾認為他們是一傑出合聲雙人組, 於是兩人決定正式以‘羅根斯&馬西納’繼續音樂事業


1972年10月, 兩人推出第二張大碟[Loggins and Messina, 走搖滾, 鄉搖滾, 苗謠搖滾曲風

首支主打[Your Mama Dont Dance]受到歡迎,登上告示牌單曲榜#4 錢櫃單曲榜#5 賣出百萬張(金唱片), 大碟登上告示牌專輯榜#16 賣出百萬張以上, 讓他們一舉成名

羅根斯&馬西納接下發行的專輯皆有不錯銷售(五張白金唱片, 兩張金唱片)

1973年, 羅根斯&馬西納決定安靜,平和的分道揚鑣, 追逐個人音樂事業。



1977年4月, 29歲的肯尼在哥倫比亞唱片旗下出版個人首張大碟[Celebrate Me Home/慶祝我回家], 參與八首歌創作  

Phil Ramone, Bob James製作, 走搖滾, 軟調搖滾樂風


除標題曲外, Celebrate Me Home]只推出一首實體單曲, 成績不佳

連帶大碟只登上Billboard專輯榜#27, 不若以往

只是從下張大碟起, 肯尼人氣回升, 連帶[Celebrate Me Home]銷售穩定, 1980年底認證百萬白金唱片



此曲由肯尼與Bob James合寫, 被製作成一首鋼琴流行抒情曲

旋律優美, 羅根斯演繹感性

由於沒發行實體單曲,無法打進一般排行榜, 只出現在唱片世界雜誌(Record World)單曲榜#64(靠電台放送亦能入榜)

由於歌詞首句是‘Home for the holidays/為(聖誕)假期回家’, 所以成為電台聖誕播放歌單之一, 每年強力放送, 成為耶誕名曲之一

2001年, 登上Billboard季節性的節慶歌曲播放榜(Holiday Airplay)冠軍, 為羅根斯的聖誕歌曲代表作








1980 Live




(Santa Barbara, 23.10.82)



2001 Kenny Loggins with Richard Marx - Unity Telethon 25th Anniversary Celebration



(Fallsview, 2018)




from gettyimages



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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