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美國鄉村天王[肯尼羅傑斯]&盲巨星[朗尼米爾賽]─[Make No Mistake, She's Mine]
2020/02/03 12:41:21瀏覽344|回應0|推薦10

美國鄉村樂天王[肯尼羅傑斯]&盲人巨星[朗尼米爾賽]──鄉村流行抒情曲──[Make No Mistake, Shes Mine/別搞錯了,她是我的]

Dont call her up, anymore

Cause I dont wanna hear your voice

I dont wanna see your face answer her door.

Make no mistake, shes mine, shes mine.

She only knows how I feel

I only know what shes like when she needs me

Oh, how she needs me deep in the night

Make no mistake, shes mine, no, shes mine.

Dont get too close when you dance

Cause I dont wanna hear from my friends

You were out on the town

With her in your arms.

Dont include her in your dreams

Cause I dont wanna close my eyes

No, I dont wanna know where she goes

Each night when she leaves

Make no mistake, shes mine, no, shes mine.

Dont call her up, anymore...


1987年8月 , 49歲的美國鄉村樂天王肯尼羅傑斯(Kenny Rogers)發行第20張大碟[I Prefer the Moonlight](RCA出版)

製作群包括Brown Bannister, Richard Landis, Rob Galbraith, Larry Butler, Brent Maher



大碟登上Billboard專輯榜#163 副榜-鄉村專輯榜#18 銷售也未達金年出版的第張原創大碟唱片標準(50萬張)


首支主打是跟盲人巨星朗尼米爾賽(Ronnie Milsap)合唱的[Make No Mistake, Shes Mine/別搞錯了,她是我的], 6月先行出版

此曲由創作歌手金康妮絲(Kim Carnes)譜寫, 由她跟演藝天后芭芭拉史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)合唱, 收在後者1984年的原創大碟[Emotion]中

Rob GalbraithKyle Lehning將其製作成一首鄉村流行抒情曲 旋律悅耳

在優美的鋼琴聲中, 肯尼沙啞音與朗尼醇實男中音交叉出這首情敵對話

Make No Mistake, Shes Mine]登上Billboard副榜-鄉村專輯榜王座

為肯尼事業第16首, 朗尼事業第32首

此曲也收在米爾賽[Heart & Soul

但此後羅傑斯的事業起伏不定, 再也不復1970年代末/80年代前期的高峰









( 休閒生活音樂 )
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