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瑞典流行雙人組[羅克賽特]──流行搖滾曲──[She Doesn't Live Here Anymore]
2019/12/15 12:49:36瀏覽436|回應0|推薦11

最近得知瑞典雙人組羅克賽特(Roxette)女主唱瑪麗(Marie Fredriksson)去世(12月9日), 享壽61歲。

羅克賽特是筆者接觸歐美流行音樂初期相當喜愛的歌曲, 也蒐集過他們不少專輯, 今年夏天介紹他們歌曲時, 才注意到瑪麗罹患腦癌, 沒想到年底就去世了,


感謝羅克賽特留下這麼多動聽的歌曲, 也謝謝他們帶給筆者美好的回憶。

瑞典流行雙人組[羅克賽特]──流行搖滾曲──[She Doesnt Live Here Anymore/她不再住此地]

We grew up together,

weve been here forever.

Barefoot in the summer,

cold in stormy weather.

She taught me all there is,

like magic and love,

lots of forgotten words.

But now,

she doesnt live here anymore.

Shes off and shes gone,

she doesnt live here anymore.

Im sorry thats all there is to it,

Im sorry thats all.

She dressed just like a painter,

a female street Picasso and I,

I will remember the heaven in her laughter.

And the scent of her sweet perfume

when we made love under an August moon

But now,

she doesnt live here anymore.

Shes off and shes gone,

she doesnt live here anymore.

Im sorry thats all there is to it,

Im sorry thats all.

But now, she doesnt live here anymore.

Shes off and shes gone,

she doesnt live here anymore

Shes gone since long, so long,

she doesnt live here anymore.

She took off and left home,

She doesnt live here anymore.

Im sorry thats all there is to it,

Im sorry thats all.

Thats all.


1995年秋天 瑞典流行搖滾雙人組羅克賽特(Roxette)推出首張正式精選輯[Dont Bore Us, Get to the Chorus! Roxettes Greatest Hits](EMI出版)

收錄出道9年來的名曲, 包括四首新歌

樂評良好, 商業表現亦佳

登上歐洲榜#3 賣出近200萬張

瑞典亞軍(3白金/30萬張+) 英國#5(白金/30萬張+) 德國#7(白金/50萬張+) 義大利#7(2白金/20萬張+) 西班牙#7(2白金/20萬張+) 日本#9(2白金/20萬張+) 澳大利亞#10(2白金)


1996年4月, 羅克賽特推出第三單曲[She Doesnt Live Here Anymore/她不再住此地](只加上只收錄在英國版的[The Look 95" (remix)],則是大碟總數第四主打),


此曲由Per Gessle,Mats Persson譜寫, 原本是在1994年大碟〔Crash ! Boom !Bang !/石破天驚〕籌備期間灌錄, 但主唱瑪麗(Marie Fredriksson)認為這故版本太疲倦,最後沒收錄

1995年7月, 羅克賽特與男團員Per Gessle的前樂團成員Gyllene Tider重新灌錄

由Gessle&Michael Ilbert製作成一首流行搖滾曲──這也是羅克賽特單曲史上唯一沒有Clarence Öfwerman參與製作的──旋律討好

[She Doesnt Live Here Anymore]只登上德國單曲榜#86 匈牙利電台榜#10










Live Stockholm




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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