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加拿大流行雙人組[康肯]──電子合成流行舞曲──[I Beg Your Pardon/請再說一遍)
2020/11/21 12:44:54瀏覽452|回應0|推薦9

加拿大流行雙人組[康肯]──電子合成流行舞曲──[I Beg Your Pardon/請再說一遍])


There once was a time and there once was a way

We had something going and to my dismay

Attention to me seemed to drift though I dont know where

And when were alone seems theres nothing to say

I bring up a topic and you push it away

You say that you do but I think its just you dont care

Why do I feel youre using me

Are we an item or are we just two

I need some commitments all I ask of you

Your lifes stock can change

Dont be afraid what you think in store

I know whats on your mind youve got lots to lose

Your shallow acquaintances whats there to choose

You wont get too deep even though Im worth so much more

So think about it carefully

Smile for the while and lets be jolly

We shouldnt be so melancholy

Come along and share the good times while we can

Do you want to hustle?

Do you want to salsa?

Do you want to hustle?

Do you want to salsa?

If thats how you want it; thats how itll be

Theres no use in trying or making you see

That love dont come easy you dont know what its about

To get things together wont take any pain

Dont need to see/hear from you ever again

From this day on listen but no more

Please count me out, and you know what Im talkin about

Smile for the while and lets be jolly

We shouldnt be so melancholy

Come along and share the good times while we can

I know nows the time that I went to find something new

You know its your crime that Im out to find someone too


康肯(Kon Kan)是Barry HarrisKevin Wynne組成的加拿大流行雙人組

由前者成立於安大略省多倫多 1994年解散, 2013重組

1988年,擔任DJ Barry Harris雇用Kevin Wynne擔任主唱, 在其家中地下室錄音間灌錄[I Beg Your Pardon/請再說一遍]


6月時由多倫多獨立唱片公司Revolving Records發行



I Beg Your Pardon](又名[I Beg Your Pardon (I Never Promised You a Rose Garden)/請再說一遍(我曾未能諾你一座玫瑰園)])由Barry Harris譜寫, 由於取樣1970年出版的鄉村樂名曲──美國歌手琳安德森(Lynn Anderson)的[(I Never Promised You A) Rose Garden)

因而其作者Joe South也名列[I Beg Your Pardon]的作者


美國大西洋唱片(Atlantic Records)職員/電台宣傳Marc Nathan到多倫多渡假時, 帶幾片[I Beg Your Pardon]單曲回紐約,送到電台宣傳, 獲得不錯反應

1988年秋天, 大西洋唱片與康肯簽約,被宣傳為雙人組

1989年2月, 唱片公司在英國等地陸續重新發行[I Beg Your Pardon

推出後受到歡迎, I Beg Your Pardon]登上加拿大單曲榜#19

美國Billboard單曲榜#15 副榜-舞曲榜#3 

英國更受歡迎, 登上單曲榜#5

荷蘭#3 紐西蘭#7 德國#8 澳大利亞#100 讓康肯一舉成名

1989年6月, 唱片公司為其推出首張大碟[Move to Move] [I Beg Your Pardon]成為其首支單曲

只是康肯之後的單曲表現每況愈下, 成為英美歌壇的一曲藝人之一









Album Version



(Extended Mix)



12" Remix



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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