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美國歌壇天后[琳達.朗絲黛]──鄉村搖滾曲──〔Love Is the Rose/愛是玫瑰〕
2019/12/07 12:21:58瀏覽388|回應1|推薦8

美國歌壇天后[琳達.朗絲黛]──鄉村搖滾曲──〔Love Is the Rose/愛是玫瑰〕


Love is a rose but you better not pick it

Only grows when its on the vine

Handful of thorns and youll know youve missed it

Lose your love when you say the word mine


I wanna see whats never been seen

I wanna live that age-old dream

Come on boy lets go together

Lets take the best right now


Love is a rose but you better not pick it

Only grows when its on the vine

Handful of thorns and youll know youve missed it

Lose your love when you say the word mine


I wanna go to an old hoedown

Long ago in a western town

Pick me up cause my feet are dragging

Give me a lift and Ill hay your wagon


Love is a rose but you better not pick it

Only grows when its on the vine

Handful of thorns and youll know youve missed it

Lose your love when you say the word mine


Love is a rose but you better not pick it

Only grows when its on the vine

Handful of thorns and youll know youve missed it

Lose your love when you say the word mine




Love is a rose

Love is a rose

Love is a rose

Love is a rose


Love is a rose

Love is a rose

Love is a rose

Love is a rose

Love is a rose

Love is a rose

Love is a rose

Love is a rose

Love is a rose

Love is a rose


1975年9月 在以冠軍大碟〔Heart Like a Wheel〕奠定為美國歌壇超級巨星地位後

不到一年的時間 29歲的搖滾新天后琳達.朗絲黛(Linda Ronstadt)再度發行第六張個人大碟〔Prisoner in Disguise/偽裝的囚犯〕(Capitol唱片)

依舊由彼得.艾雪(Peter Asher

專輯跟隨〔Heart Like a Wheel〕的模式, 走鄉村搖滾 流行搖滾 民謠搖滾路線

除了邀來朋友詹姆士泰勒的新作外 朗絲黛也選擇不少老歌翻唱

(包括好友桃莉芭頓當時剛唱紅不久的〔I Will Always Love You〕)

不但受到好評 也登上排行榜#4 為她再拿一張白金唱片




專輯首支主打是鄉村抒情曲〔Love Is the Rose/愛是玫瑰〕

不過電台DJ比較喜歡B面的〔Heat Wave/熱浪〕

結果讓後者成了流行界主打 〔Love Is the Rose〕則專攻鄉村電台

Love Is the Rose〕由Neil Young譜寫, 原本收錄在他1971年出版的專輯[Decade]中

琳達版是首鄉村搖滾, 在中板的節奏間, 朗絲黛豐沛嗓音的詮釋自然無矯飾

Love Is the Rose〕在Billboard單曲榜只拿到#63


另拿到加拿大單曲榜#100 加拿大鄉村榜#46







Atlanta 77



Live at New Victoria Theatre, London, Eng. 11-13-1976




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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