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美國鄉村樂女皇[蕾芭麥肯泰]──鄉村流行抒情曲──[Fallin' Out of Love/離開愛情]
2019/11/27 12:24:39瀏覽352|回應0|推薦9

美國鄉村樂女皇[蕾芭.麥肯泰]──鄉村流行抒情曲──[Fallin Out of Love/離開愛情]

He says he loves her, what can you say to that

Hes made up his mind and there aint nothin you can do

And as you swallow hard, maybe you drive all night

Tryin to figure out where the whole thing started goin wrong

And in the silence something begins to unravel

You never knew him like youll be knowing him now

Fallin out of love and back into your life

Pullin your heart out from under the knife

Closin the door on all those dreams you used to know

Fallin out of love and back on your feet

Turnin away from that dead end street

Finding out that nothing feels as good as letting go

Thats when he called you up out of the blue one day

And you know he thinks hes talkin to the girl you used to be

So when you tell him hes just a memory

Aint it funny how his voice cracks when youre sayin goodbye

And in the silence something begins to unravel

He never knew you like hell be knowing you now

Fallin out of love and back into your life

Pullin your heart out from under the knife

Closin the door on all those dreams you used to know

Fallin out of love and back on your feet

Turnin away from that dead end street

Finding out that nothing feels as good as letting go

Oh and nothing feels as good as letting go

He said he loved her


1990年夏天 35歲的美國鄉村樂女王蕾芭麥肯泰(Reba McEntire)發行第17張大碟[Rumor Has It/有謠言說]

由於長期製作人Jimmy Bowen離開MCA(蕾芭的唱片公司)

麥肯泰以更有名的Tony Brown替代之, 與她共同製作

這張大碟讓她改變先前的新傳統路線 轉向更當代的鄉村跨界樂風, 果然再度擴大蕾芭的歌迷族群

[Rumor Has It]拿到Billboard副榜──鄉村專輯榜亞軍


在四首Top10單曲促銷下 大碟至今在美國賣出3百多萬張




1991年5月, 蕾芭推出第四主打[Fallin Out of Love/離開愛情]

由Jon Ims譜寫, 描述一名女子因愛人劈腿分手, 後來頓悟單身仍可以活得好好的.某天舊愛打電話給她, 希望復合, 但她卻決定要自給一人獨自向前邁進

[Fallin Out of Love]被製作成一首鄉村流行抒發曲 旋律優美

此曲登上美國鄉村榜亞軍(1991年終#36)  加拿大鄉村榜冠軍(1991年終#12)














( 休閒生活音樂 )
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