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美國才女巨星[卡莉賽門]──軟式搖滾──[Legend in Your Own Time]
2019/10/18 00:22:33瀏覽381|回應0|推薦10

美國才女巨星[卡莉賽門]──軟式搖滾──[Legend in Your Own Time




Well I have known you
Since you were a small boy
And your mama used to say
"My boy is gonna grow up and be
Some kind of leader some day"

Then youd turn on the radio
And sing with the singer in the band
Your mama would say to you
"This isnt exactly what we had planned"

But youre a legend in your own time
A hero in the footlights
Playing tunes to fit your rhyme
But a legends only a lonely boy
When he goes home alone.

And though I know you
Still have the heart of that small boy
Well, you lend it out far too much
And no one woman loving you
Can ever feel that shes been really touched.

Then you turn on the radio
And sing with the singer in the band
Think kind of sadly to yourself
This isnt exactly what you had planned.

But youre a legend in your own time
A hero in the footlights
Playing tunes to fit your rhyme
But a legends only a lonely boy
When he goes home alone.

Well a legends only a lonely boy
When he goes home alone.




在1971年初的首張同名專輯與Top10單曲〔Thats The Way Ive Always Heard It Should Be〕成功打響名氣後

1971年11月 26歲的美國創作才女卡莉.賽門(Carly Simon)乘勝追擊

推出第二張創作大碟〔Anticipation/期待〕(  Elektra唱片)


Paul Samwell-Smith製作

賽門參與九首歌曲創作 獲得正面評價

跟上張專輯一樣 〔Anticipation〕登上美國Billboard專輯榜#30 最後長賣成百萬金唱片


同名首波主打〔Anticipation〕登上美國Billboard單曲榜#13 副榜-Easy Listening/成人抒情榜#3  加拿大#9 

1972年, 卡莉推出第二主打[Legend in Your Own Time

這首賽門譜寫的歌曲有多種解釋:有人說是描述年輕就功成名就的人, 有人說是對傲慢這的諷刺, 有人説是關於當時男友──英國歌星凱特.史蒂芬斯(Cat Stevens

Legend in Your Own Time]被製作成人流行/軟式搖滾, 在搖曳的節奏間, 卡莉的輕吟方式詮釋

此曲登上Billboard單曲榜#50 副榜-Easy Listening/成人抒情榜#11 

加拿大#39 澳大利亞#86

雖然成績不似〔Anticipation〕亮眼, 但在賽門的作曲始有一定名氣






1987 Live



acoustic on the QM2



1995 Live



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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