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英國/澳洲歌壇巨星[奧莉薇亞紐-頓強]─流行抒情曲─[Emotional Tangle/情感糾葛]
2019/10/16 00:11:27瀏覽373|回應0|推薦12

英國/澳洲歌壇巨星[奧莉薇亞.紐-頓強]──流行抒情曲──[Emotional Tangle/情感糾葛]


The moment we met

You knew me

I felt you melt into me

Wrap around my heart

And shake me inside

One simple conversation

Such gentle communication

Love found a way in

And to my surprise

From the emotional angle

Were in an emotional tangle

And if you feel like Im feeling

Its love from this angle

This tangle can never be tight enough

Till now it was easy stalling

Feeling but never falling

Id always stop before it could start

Love brought our lives together

With a magic that lasts forever

And nothing on earth can tear us apart

From the emotional angle

Were in an emotional tangle

And if you feel like Im feeling

Its love from this angle

This tangle can never be tight enough

I just cant get enough

Want you day and night

No taking away my appetite

So spin me in circles

Pull me tighter and tighter to you

From the emotional angle

Were in an emotional tangle

And if you feel like Im feeling

Its love from this angle

This tangle can never be tight enough

Were in an emotional tangle

And if you feel like Im feeling

Its love from this angle

This tangle can never be tight enough.


1985年10月 婚後復出的37歲澳洲/英國流行天后奧莉薇亞紐頓強(Olivia Newton-John)推出第十三張大碟〔Soul Kiss/靈魂之吻〕(MCA唱片)

奧莉薇亞仍舊延續自〔Physical〕後的性感形象 並且變得更加成熟美豔

並請來攝影大師Herb Ritts為她拍攝封面內照

可是紐頓強當時懷孕半年 大減宣傳活動

專輯只拿到美國#29(金唱片) 英國#66 澳洲#11(金唱片)


但仍比奧莉薇亞以往的成績差了一截 成為她音樂事業走下坡的轉捩點



第二主打[Toughen Up/堅強起來]只打入澳洲榜#93

由於奧莉薇亞待產 第三主打[Emotional Tangle/情感糾葛]只以宣傳單曲推出

John Farrar, Billy Thorpe

被製作成一首流行抒情曲  紐頓-強的詮釋細膩感性

因為沒有出版實體單曲, 所以沒有打入排行榜

但奧莉薇亞仍拍攝MV──只見她在一藍色室內演唱──收在[Soul Kiss]的音樂錄影帶選輯中














Mirror Balls Cosmic Dawn Remix




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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