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加拿大鄉村天后[仙妮亞唐恩]─當代鄉村曲─[Dance with the One That Brought You]
2019/10/09 12:45:00瀏覽390|回應0|推薦7

加拿大鄉村樂天后[仙妮亞唐恩]與名演員[西恩潘]的合作──當代鄉村曲──[Dance with the One That Brought You/與帶你來的人共舞]

Well he shines like a penny in a little kids hand

When hes out on a Saturday night

Hes a real go-getter and the best two-stepper youll see

But when Im sittin alone at a table for two

Cause hes already out on the floor

I think about somethin that my mama used to say to me

You got to dance with the one that brought you

Stay with the one that wants you

The one whos gonna love you when all of the others go home

Dont let the green grass fool you

Dont let the moon get to you

Dance with the one that brought you and you cant go wrong

Hes got his old best buddies and his new best friends

And all the girls give him the eye

Hes a good time Charlie and the life of the party tonight

But when I think about another well I dont think twice

Cause therell never be another like him

I know he really loves me and I think maybe mama was right

You got to dance with the one that brought you

Stay with the one that wants you

The one whos gonna love you when all of the others go home

Dont let the green grass fool you

Dont let the moon get to you

Dance with the one that brought you and you cant go wrong

Youve got to dance with the one that brought you

And you cant go wrong


1965年8月 仙妮亞唐恩(Shania Twain)出生於加拿大Ontario州的Windsor

本名為Eileen Regina Edwards


不過父母在她兩歲時離婚 母親再嫁 , 仙妮亞便跟妹妹改為繼父之姓:Twain

自幼年開始 仙妮亞便對音樂感到濃厚興趣 並嘗試創作


高中畢業後 仙妮亞在開始從事音樂表演

只是1987年時 母親跟繼父死於車禍

仙妮亞便肩負起照顧三名未成年同母異父弟妹的責任, 靠著歌唱表演來撫養他們


1990年代初 弟妹陸續成年自力更生後

仙妮亞開始向唱片圈探路, 最後跟Mercury Nashville公司簽下合約

1993年春天發行首張同名大碟[Shania Twain] 

Harold Shedd, Norro Wilson製作, 唐恩只參與一曲創作



首支單曲[What Made You Say That]登上加拿大鄉村榜#70


1993年7月 將屆28歲的唐恩推出第二單曲[Dance with the One That Brought You/與帶你來的人共舞]

Sam HoginGretchen Peters譜寫, 被製作一首當代鄉村曲, 展現仙妮亞的歌唱功力

MV 並邀來著名演員西恩潘(Sean penn)與Charles Durning演出

不過此曲與[What Made You Say That]反應相當, 登上加拿大單曲榜#94 加拿大鄉村榜#77


當唐恩在地方演出時 與大製作人Robert John Mutt LangeDef Leppard , Bryan Adams, Michael Bolton)相識

後者相當欣賞她 表示願與她合作

兩人開始接觸寫歌 進而相戀 1993年底結為連理

1995年唐恩因第二張大碟[The Woman in Me]爆紅後, Shania Twain]跟著水漲船高

在美國銷售取得白金(100萬張+), 加拿大雙白金(20萬張+), 英國銀唱片(8.6萬張+)












( 休閒生活音樂 )
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