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英國新浪潮天團[杜蘭杜蘭]─電子合成/流行搖滾─[Meet El Presidente/遇見大總統]
2019/08/12 13:00:45瀏覽307|回應0|推薦5

英國新浪潮天團[杜蘭杜蘭]──電子合成/流行搖滾──[Meet El Presidente/遇見大總統]

Miss November Tuesday

Bend your rubber rules

Take your time, but dont take

Off your high heel shoes

Shes in demand at dinner time (Shes in demand)

Shes on the factory wall (Shes on the factory wall)

And when the gentlemen retire (When they retire)


Guess whos in control?

She blew your money on taking a cruise

If that isnt funny

Well, watch out, teacher


Oh, oh, when the chambers empty

She said: "Oh, oh, meet el Presidente."


Dress in flimsy clothing

Use your lipstick line

To cover fear and loathing

With a pink disguise

You never refuse when she lies back


Put a stripe on the union and a star on the jack

Shes on the case at dinner time (At dinner time)

Shes on the evening news (Shes on the evening news)

And if you dare step out of line (Step out of line)


Youre going to be abused

You may not like it

You may not be scared

But hell has no fury like a

Young girls ego


Oh, oh, when the chambers empty

She said: "Oh, oh, meet el Presidente."


You might adopt an attitude (Attitude)

Look on the moral side (Looking on the moral side)

But if police are after you (After you)


Wheres the best place to hide?

For this production

They gave her a gun

Aint no director

So watch out, actors!


Oh, oh, when the chambers empty

She said: "Oh, oh, meet el Presidente."


Oh, oh, when the chambers empty

She said: "Oh, oh, meet el Presidente."


1986年 原來有五位成員的英國花美男偶像樂團杜蘭杜蘭(Duran Duran)縮減成三員團體(Roger Taylo正式離團,

Andy Taylor讓人相信他沒離開, 但一再延宕專輯錄製, 所以最後杜蘭杜蘭決定放棄他)

秋天時 杜蘭杜蘭發行第四張大碟[Notorious/惡名昭彰] 選擇Nile Rodgers與他們共同製作

力圖與以前的青少年偶像路線分道揚鑣 轉向更成熟 更嚴肅的曲風

雖然專輯(UK#16, UK#12白金)反應不錯

但與1985年前的黃金時期相較 聲勢已在緩慢下滑中


前兩支主打[Notorious][Skin Trade/人皮交易]登上英國榜#7&#22, 美國榜#2&#39

1987年4月, 杜蘭杜蘭舉行巡迴, 推出第三單曲[Meet El Presidente/遇見大總統]配合宣傳

由三名團員Simon Le Bon, John Taylor, James Bates譜寫,

Nile Rodgers&杜蘭杜蘭將其製作成一首電子合成/流行搖滾 節拍強勁


Meet El Presidente]登上英國單曲榜#24──這是樂團自1981年後最低名次

比利時/愛爾蘭#13 義大利#16 荷蘭#31 德國#54 美國#70


Meet El Presidente]也是樂團首支推出CD的單曲

在美國, 單曲以[The Presidential Suite]為名出版





Album Version



Single Remix 



7" Remix



Live 87



1987 Joan Rivers



Presidential Suite Mix



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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