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美國歌壇天后[黛安娜羅絲]──靈魂/R&B抒情曲──[Love Me/愛我]
2019/08/15 00:18:50瀏覽413|回應0|推薦14

美國歌壇天后[黛安娜羅絲]──靈魂/R&B抒情曲──[Love Me/愛我]


Love me the way that you love me
The way that you do when youre dreaming of me
Love me the way that you love me
Give me the pleasure that makes me love you too

Hey, the touch of your hands
Awakens feelings deep inside me
You know
The warmth of your breath
Is like a soft wind sent to guide me
All those sweet sensations
Let me feel them now

Love me the way that you love me
The way that you do when youre dreaming of me
Love me the way that you love me
Give me the pleasure that makes me love you too

Oh, were starting together
I feel your love is flowing through me
You know
Whatever youre doing
I love the way
You do it to me
All those sweet sensations
Let me feel them now

Love me the way that you love me
The way that you do when youre dreaming of me
Love me the way that you love me
Give me the pleasure that makes me love you too

I see the love on your face is glowing
I feel your lovin inside me growin
I know exactly just where youre goin
Let me come with you

Love me the way that you love me
The way that you do when youre dreaming of me
Love me the way that you love me
Give me the pleasure that makes me love you too

Love me the way that you love me
The way that you do when youre dreaming of me
Love me the way that you love me
Give me the pleasure that makes me love you too



1973年12月 29歲的美國歌壇天后黛安娜羅絲(Diana Ross)出版個人大碟[Last Time I Saw Him/最後一次看到他](距張上與馬文蓋的合唱專輯[Marvin&Me]僅2月)

製作群包括Michael Masser, Tom Baird, Ron Miller, Bob Gaudio

評價良好, 但專輯銷售卻不盡理想 只拿到美國單曲榜#52(副榜-靈魂榜#12) 

首支主打[Last Time I Saw Him]登上美國單曲榜#14(&副榜──靈魂榜#16,Easy Listening榜冠軍)


美國第二主打為[Sleepin’/睡著]  但英國則選擇[Love Me/愛我](1974年末發行)

此曲由Tom Baird, Dino Fekaris, Nick Zesses譜寫

Tom Baird編曲並製作成一首靈魂/R&B抒情曲

由Terry Etlinger, Ron Miller譜寫, 後者製作成一首流行/靈魂抒情曲


[Love Me]登上英國單曲榜#38 成為大碟第二首Top40

不過[Last Time I Saw Him]專輯在英國表現亦不理想 只拿到排行榜#41






( 休閒生活音樂 )
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